RANT! —So sick of STUPID PEOPLE!!!! – IOTW Report

RANT! —So sick of STUPID PEOPLE!!!!

People, mostly the left, don’t know how stupid they, that’s how stupid they are.

Here’s a Newser article on the Nashville bomber.

Look at this pantload –

The Nashville narrative is pretty clear: Authorities say Anthony Quinn Warner packed his RV with explosives and blew it and himself up on Christmas while parked downtown. He was, by the most basic definition of the term, a suicide bomber. And yet you’d be hard-pressed to find the phrase in media coverage, writes Danielle Campoamor at Refinery29. The same applies to “domestic terrorist.” Campoamor calls out “legacy publications” in general for avoiding the terminology, particularly the New York Times and the local Tennessean, which is part of Gannett. Instead of being called a suicide bomber or a domestic terrorist, Quinn is being described as a lonely, older white guy. If he were Black or brown, he wouldn’t be getting the same treatment, writes Campoamor. She notes that this Times article in particular set off a backlash among critics like her.

“Editors and political talking heads dragging their feet to name a white domestic terrorist accordingly is hardly new,” she writes. Men like those recently accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan’s governor usually are instead described as “militia” members or “watchmen.” Campoamor isn’t the only calling attention to this. “If a bomber commits suicide with a bomb wouldn’t you call that person a suicide bomber?” tweets Molly Jong-Fast of the Daily Beast. The problem goes beyond media semantics, writes Campamor, pointing as an example to the way hate crimes against Muslims spike after an attack by someone claiming to be one. “This refusal to hold white men to the same standard—to the same level of villainization—plays a large part in the culture of hate crimes that runs rampant in America,” Campamor notes. (Read her full column.)


Ahhhhhhhhh, yes. I recall the DC Sniper was never called a black serial killer, nor a Muslim. A twofer!!

We’re told, by definition, a mass murderer is anyone that kills 3 people in one incident. Well, by definition, there are more black mass murderers than whites, but we don’t count ghetto shootings because… well, because.

Here is the comment I left at Newser.

BigFurHat • a minute ago

Yes, because Muslims always announce ahead of time for an area to clear out so no innocent people get killed. Everyone knows that.
The guy was an idiot because he wanted to go out in spectacular fashion, but let’s be clear where the media disconnect begins and ends.
This idiot was indeed a suicide bomber. Muslims are HOMICIDE bombers, but somehow the media calls them “suicide” bombers.
This is your lesson for the day, people.
You’re welcome.
Carry on with your abject stupidity.

33 Comments on RANT! —So sick of STUPID PEOPLE!!!!

  1. What’s really, not funny anymore, about this is this entire episode is an illusion.
    However sometimes stupid still can be funny. Like our new Bay Area transplant trust fund babies. They purchased a geometric dome, monkey bar, play structure on steroids for their kids. It’s a lot easier to assemble with a step latter inside the unit. But then you can’t get the step latter out. Believe me they provided hours of entertainment.

  2. Here’s why…

    Stupid vs. Smart was in rough balance for centuries because, even though there’s a LOT more Stupid than there is Smart, stupid tended to di e quicker and more frequently as a result of being stupid, but also br ed quicker because stupid doesn’t consider consequences or responsibilities. Dy ing more also kept Stupid from overwhelming Smart by sheer numbers.

  3. Then Smart did something really Stupid.

    Smart started looking at how and why Stupid was dyi ng, and started moving to address those causes. The Great Nerfing started where cars were rounded on the outside for Stupid pedestrian safety and given a blimp on the inside for Stupid driver safety, machinery with obvious haz ards were supplied with guards and automatic cu to ffs so it would stop if Stupid reached into it, GFCIs were invented in case Stupid wanted toast in the bathtub, handrails were put on EVERYTHING so Stupid wouldn’t fall when they were dancing to their headphones on the stairs, g un s were given safeties to make it less likely Stupid would sho ot their pec kers off when they shoved it down their pants, rat po is ons were given pictogram warnings against drinking and eating them, food was delivered by planeloads to Stupid to protect them from stupid agricultural policies, even bull ets were packaged with cautions against lead po is oning…the list is endless.

  4. Smart then started being law yers for Stupid so every time Stupid was in jured doing something stupid, Smart would not only make it profitable for them so they could make MORE Stupid, but ALSO for ced other Smart to make it harder for Stupid to hu rt themselves stupidly in the first place and to for ce Smart to allow im port ation of Stupid from Stupid lands into Smart ones, then Smart developed med ical and sur gical techniques to save Stupid when Stupid stup idly inj ured itself, even gave Stupid Vi agra and artificial in sem ination so even MORE Stupid was possible.

  5. And as the world got stupider, Smart pulled back on having children, considering how the world was becoming a place they didn’t want to have children IN because of all the Stupid, and also that they were working overtime to protect Stupid and so were too tired to talk other Smart into s ex later, so it became easier just to have se x with Stupid. Genetics always favors Stupid as a dominant because that’s how the system was originally set up, so Smart+Stupid=Stupid in all but rare cases when Stupid had a recessive smart gene as well.

    Meanwhile, deliberate attempts were going on worldwide, most notably in Is lam, to use in br eeding to produce a VERY Stupid and vi olen t population that could be easy to rule, so Stupid was now being manufactured in job lots as a tool to be at Smart down with endless c an no n fodder.

    All of this in modern times, after 100 years of Nerfing, decades of modern medicine, and centuries of of in br eeding finally produced a tipping point of people stupid enough to vote Democrat, so here we are, trying to push the floodgates of civilization closed yet one more time against the howling seas of the vi olent and the ig norant that are too stupid to even realize that our de struc tion will bring theirs as well. Ask Zimbabwe, Haiti, and South Africa how that works. But even as we push against that sea, Democrats stand at the wall spraying fi re houses into it to make it even BIGGER, on the mistaken assumption that they are Posideon and will rule that sea once it overwhelms US.

    And it will.

    We may be able to stave the flood tide off for one more generation, but as we also continue to preserve and augment it, it WILL, eventually, but as certainly as the tides des troy us by sheer weight of numbers. Absent a war or an act of G od to sharply reduce their numbers…it WILL happen.

    Then they will di e back to Stone Age levels without Smart to feed them, bi nd their wo unds, or bur y their bo di es.

    …this is why we are now a world OF the Stupid, BY the Stupid, and FOR the Stupid.

    …I’m afraid we may have passed the Stupid Event Horizon, so we can’t turn back now, it just has to bu rn itself out.

    …which it will do as stupidly as possible, of course…

    …in the Kingdom of the Blind, who is King?

    …and so it shall be in the Kingdom of the Stupid as well…

  6. If you’re sick of stupid people, I got some bad news for ya!
    Propagandists and politicians have been spewing “spin” (lies) for a century or more. Euphemism, misdirection, misidentification, a pinch of fact in a bushel of bullshit, prevarication, headline that doesn’t comport to the facts of the article, weasel words, legalistic ambiguities, and, of course, simple drumbeats of lies – compounded by lies – layered atop lies. Oh! And lest we forget, the resounding omission! Like leaving out the Political Affiliation of some corrupt-o-crat caught in flagrante. Or ignoring the corruptions, the malfeasances, and the treasons of particular individuals based on some vague scheme of political legerdemain.

    We are drowning in lies.

    Sadly, many would rather be lied to than told they’re being lied to.
    They become angry at the notion that they’re gullible – usually, the more gullible, the more angry. I’m afraid there’s no easy fix – Satan doesn’t slink away at exposure – he’s emboldened.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. We will never know the truth about this “bomber” or his “bomb” because this as big a lie as the one they told about the steel I-beams in the world trade center being melted by an open air fire.

    If you look at all available pictures from this “bombing” incident there is one thing missing that would PROVE it was a bomb and that is the fucking CRATER!!!

    If it really was an RV “packed” with explosives there would be a humongous hole in the street! and there would be all kinds of rubble…. not piles of black ash-like substance where the RV used to be.

    One article I read on censorednews dotcom claims the evidence left at the crime scene points to a high-energy laser strike because when a powerful laser strikes matter it creates plasma, then a huge fireball, then leaves behind pure carbon in the form of fine black ash.

    They go on to speculate that it was a ChiCom direct energy weapon in orbit that picked that particular building because it was where a lot of evidence from dominion voter fraud was about to seized by the feds. It was also revealed that particular building was a hardened bunker containing NSA spy info that they regularly gather from all american communications through AT&T.

    The story also lists as evidence the video footage and the FAA lost ALL radar coverage. The video clearly shows the blue-flash you get from a plasma-explosion and radar coverage being lost always happens when a high-powered laser beam gets is fired in the area.

    Personally I think the ChiComs ordered the strike using OUR space-based lasers since our government is so packed full of traitors. It not only took out all evidence of voter fraud stored there but the domestic spy operation as well so it was a two’fer for the deep state.

  8. And another thing – Law enforcement has not concluded their investigation so you really shouldn’t be calling him anything but a “person of interest”, or “suspect”.

  9. Can’t fix stupid, but it can fix itself.
    An insurance man inspecting the city park recommended a skirt on the merry-go-round, so kids couldn’t get underneath.
    I asked him (with a calm cool voice), if he thought it would be better to be mounted on the ground, so it would just cut off fingers. Or mounted on the merry-go-round, so it would cut off toes.
    No answer, he just walked away and haven’t heard anything since.

  10. Perhaps the reason they aren’t calling him a domestic terrorist or suicide bomber is because they have information that indicates he was a leftist. I have seen a number of places that said Kyle Rittenhouse is a terrorist.

  11. Cmn¢¢guy
    DECEMBER 29, 2020 AT 1:45 PM
    “Moral of the story…….
    If your to stupid to ride a merry-go-round, Stay off the f’in merry-go-round.”

    …I work with a guy who was a Mainenance boss at Kings Island when they had drunks get electrocuted in a pond the same day that a drunk fell out of a ride because the harness wasn’t designed for passed-out drunk.


    …while this did not make him happy, nor did the subsequent Department of Agriculture grilling, he said that his WORST problem was REALLY from idiots getting on top of the elevator for the scale Eiffel Tower and trying to surf, because there was NOT room at the top of the shaft for that as they found out rather abruptly, but for some reason these tended to be underreported, because of the level of obvious stupidity involved, I suppose.

    …this is the only one of THOSE that got widely reported, but there were more, or so I’m told, maybe trying to keep copycat idiots down was the reason to not discuss it…


  12. “…Authorities say…”

    …if the “Authorities” doing the saying are the FBI, then everything we’re being told is a lie to cover up something either they or some other Democrats did…

  13. “…if the “Authorities” doing the saying are the FBI, then everything we’re being told is a lie to cover up something either they or some other Democrats did…”

    If you believe any of the horse shit any agency is trying to feed you about the fire bombing, you might be a stupid person. At the very least gullible.
    I find it interesting that no news agency is reporting the havoc that fire bomb caused through out the south.

  14. I’m sure if the FBI sent the NASCAR Noose division to investigate we would have this figured out in no time.

    My father used to say to “Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.”. He may have been on to something.

  15. Overwhelming odds are he was dead long before the fire. Just like Steven Paddock was dead before he shot Las Vegas up at 600 yards, a bump stock, and using the funnel of death. Impossible.

  16. Will someone please explain how a RV on the street that blows up and then shoves a 40 foot elevator piston out of the ground below the sidewalk onto the street?
    I’m seeing windows blow out, trees down and cars toasted nearby? But not really a pushed in front on the building? A lack of large shock wave that would be there to do that kind damage under ground in the video? How did the blast on the street do any damage in the underground part of the building away from the street?
    That RV wasn’t a JDam was it?

  17. Toenex

    Still no crater. There’s a good thread over on American Partisan with great comments from guys that have been there, done that. Bottom line this is another Vegas. We will never know the truth.


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