Rap “Star” Falls For Palin Parody Story About Slavery and Goes On Filth Laden Twitter Rant – IOTW Report

Rap “Star” Falls For Palin Parody Story About Slavery and Goes On Filth Laden Twitter Rant

Some dumb site posted that Sarah Palin said that black people willingly accepted slavery.



Rapper/Singer Azealia Banks publicly wished that Sarah Palin would be gang-raped by a group of black men.


That’s not the kind of wish that seems like you’re shooting for the stars, now, is it?

Just let Sarah walk through certain neighborhoods and it’ll probably happen.

Go to the link above to see just how vile these tweets were.


22 Comments on Rap “Star” Falls For Palin Parody Story About Slavery and Goes On Filth Laden Twitter Rant

  1. Actually, although the article was satire, the sentiment that blacks willingly accept slavery isn’t far from the truth. Definitely with regard to the new “slavery”, also know as “the Great Society” black continuously vote to keep themselves trapped, generation after generation, in the cycle of poverty. So yes, they willingly accept being slaves on the modern democrat plantations that make up our inner cities.

    But also regarding old fashion, antebellum slavery, it was blacks who captured other blacks to be sold to the slave traders so those blacks not only willingly accepted, but also profited nicely from slavery.

  2. T’was negroes what sold negroes into slavery in the first place … so, yes, indeed, they (negroes) not only approved of slavery, but accepted and practiced and promoted it, as well (the ones doin the sellin, not necessarily the ones bein sold – although the merchants easily became merchandise when confronted by a stronger tribe).

    And they became filthy rich off the sweat and blood of their brothers and off the beauty and virginity of their sisters.

    History is unkind. Revised or refined “history” is totally fucking useless – well, worse than useless – it’s dangerous.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In her culture, gang rape is what passes for artificial insemination from an anonymous sperm donor to the rest of,the world. Which explains why they never know the baby daddy.

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