Rape Parody is Not That Far From the Truth – IOTW Report

Rape Parody is Not That Far From the Truth

Lot’s of people were fooled on social media when this fabricated story from The Daily Harold (great site name) parodied feminists and #RapeCulture.

Acid Picdump (98 pics)

But how far from reality is this parody? Dolezal is black, Zimmerman is white, Elizabeth Warren is an Indian, Hillary Clinton is presidential material, Michelle Obama is one of the top 100 hottest women on the planet, BlackLIvesMatter (only when killed by white cops), Israel is the problem in the middle east, and Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Here’s a (made-up) story of a girl who hit her head on the diving board –


I had been knocked unconscious and that I had been under water for at least two minutes. He said that he had been lucky to have felt my hand in the depths and that I was nearly at the bottom when he pulled me up. He carried me up the little ladder and laid me down on the wooden boards of the floating platform. People were gathering around us, gasping, screaming, crying. I was astonished, I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe I was alive. I was feeling like sh!t though, I was woozy, I was in pain, but most of all, most of all, I was disgusted.

I was disgusted at this hairy man having felt it appropriate to touch my body like that. To grab me forcefully and pull me in what ever direction HE wanted to go. He took control of my body down there in the cold water, when I was unconscious and unable to look out for myself, he touched my all-but-bikini bare body when I was KNOCKED out and unable to struggle. Him, being a white man, felt he had the right to possess my milky body – to put his rough hands on my innocent flesh and command my body to come with him to the surface. I did NOT give him consent, in fact I was UNABLE to give consent and yet he grabbed me around my waist and gripped my hand and pressed my body against his like we he wanted to engage in aquatic sex.

I am now charging or suing or whatever this man for rape – because what he did is literally the definition of rape – he exerted his Patriarchal power over me and did stuff to my body without my consent. Sure, he saved me from drowning, but if we start excusing rape just because our rapists did a nice thing to us, we’re really just excusing rape culture. I know a lot of misogynists and anti-feminists are going to be all like “hurr durr, you should thank that man for saving you, you wouldn’t be there without him, he only touched you because he needed to save you from downing” Oh yeah and by that shoddy logic we should excuse serial killers for being nice to hitchhikers and picking them up before killing them. The truth is HE RAPED ME, HE PUT HIS HANDS ON ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT


10 Comments on Rape Parody is Not That Far From the Truth

  1. It’s tough to parody the left. Making fun of them, and doing humor at their expense is easy, and fun.
    But parody?
    You simply can’t. Everything, no matter how extreme, is believable.

  2. I don’t know what’s sadder. The sheer number of people there who don’t get that it’s satire, or the number one voted comment knowing so, but doing a, “HOW DARE YOU MOCK RAPE LIKE THIS!”

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