Rapper Blows Smoke Up Sarah Palin’s Butt – IOTW Report

Rapper Blows Smoke Up Sarah Palin’s Butt

The rapper who fell for a hoax story about Sarah Palin, and then urged a bunch of burly black guys “with big ashy c***s” to gang bang Palin, has issued an apology.

Palin, in a Facebook message, said she was sick of not getting responses from Azealia Banks and threatened to sue her.

This prompted an immediate statement from Banks—–>


“I actually, really like you,” Banks wrote. “While many other American people may see you as someone to be ridiculed, I truly believe that you possess a certain ‘je ne sais quoi.’”

She then compared herself to Palin, who she said was “very charismatic and misunderstood.”

“The misunderstood bit oftentimes reminds me of myself,” the statement said. “You’re very passionate about the things you believe in, super determined, and most certainly aware of who you are and where you stand in this world, as a parent, as a politician, but most importantly, as a woman.”

The rapper then apologized, adding that her original remark was a reference to group sex, not rape.

“I sincerely apologize for any emotional distress or reputational scarring [I] may have caused you,” she said. “In my honest defense, [I] was completely kidding. I happen to have a really crass, New-York-City sense of humor, and regularly make silly jokes in attempts make light of situations which make me uncomfortable.”

“All in All, Woman to Woman, I hope you will accept my sincerest apology,” she concluded.


Banks went on to say a few choice things about Palin after the apology, I guess, to maintain her street cred.

18 Comments on Rapper Blows Smoke Up Sarah Palin’s Butt

  1. If you read her apology you can see immediately that those aren’t her words but rather her lawyers. Palin ought to sue her ass and take everything she has and will have during her rap/hip-hop/whatever career. Or maybe she does a deal that forces her to create a few pro Palin, pro American songs but has to keep the deal a secret. Now that would be funny. Perhaps a really mean anti Planned Parenthood rap about how they’ve forced down the black population and dropping them to the third most populous racial group in the US.

  2. I try very much to “love my neighbor as myself” each day and I also turn the other cheek=but I only have two, so after the first slap I go off the deep end and say WTF is with you-back away now or you will be hurt. I got nothing for low life people either black= white-red or yellow. stay away from me and leave me alone or you will soon meet the God you don’t believe in. have a nice day..

  3. Trouble is, her momma never bitch slapped her the first time she opened her mouth and uttered words like that. Let her pick her teeth up off the floor after she pries that bar of soap out of her mouth. Parents who don’t teach their kids a modicum of respect and decorum actually hate their children.

  4. And she (the “black” “lady”) seems to be promoting the idea that “black” men regularly engage in gang rape …

    That’s not very nice …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. ^^^^ at gunny
    “Azealia Banks penned another expletive-filled note Wednesday attacking Sarah Palin, “crackers,” and “whitey””
    yeah, doesn’t really seem like a heartfelt apology, does it?

  6. This cracks me up. With all the ill talk of Palin, her alleged abuses of power, affairs and even childbirths, this is the one she is taking a stand on? Makes one say, really? Just sayin.

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