Texas: 45-year-old Rapper 'Big Pokey', whose real name was Milton Powell, was performing during a Juneteenth-theme show at the Pour09 Bar. He 'dies suddenly' mid performance. pic.twitter.com/cyMQ0tamd2
— AlphaFox (@Alphafox78) June 19, 2023
28 Comments on Rapper Dies Suddenly On Stage
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I’m thinking Big Pokey got the Pokey. And a couple booster Pokes.
…he can still finish his set, like this guy did…
…but seriously, one hasto wonder if this is the latest in vaxxx technology at work. Hell of it is, we’ll never know. His heart pretty clearly suddenly said “fuck it”, but rapid onset like that is either sudden clot, severe EMD, or burst aneurysm.
^^^^^^^ Either way, if you’re paying attention, the vax appears to be racist. Tell me I;m wrong.
AT 11:41 PM
“^^^^^^^ Either way, if you’re paying attention, the vax appears to be racist. Tell me I;m wrong.”
…the victims I’ve personally attened to have been Black, Hispanic, Hispanic, Black, and White girl but miscarried a Hispanic baby.
So I guess you’re not wrong.
That’s a shame. Filthy rappers opened a Pandora’s box that leads straight to the abusso of Hades. Play with it at your own risk.
Not one person CPR trained, just stood there with phones out and recording.
Or is CPR racist, homophobic, zenophobic, transphobic and I just missed the memo on that particular socaul update?
Well I guess that wraps it up.
Fat people have a tendency to drop dead. Especially a hard partyer like this guy.
You now my story. Bottom line is lean, muscular, active, white people survive the Virus and its cure much better than any other racial group. Is that a racists comment? Don’t care. Is it true? It is, and that’s why I don’t care. Don’t hate me, hate Chyna. And our state department.
AT 12:00 AM
“Not one person CPR trained, just stood there with phones out and recording.”
Interesting point. The cop that was there immediately should have been, at least, but in that environment he probably doesn’t want to get distracted until backup gets there. Hw could lose his gun while cranking the man’s chest and while I’m quite sure someone would pick it up, I somehow doubt he’d get it back.
AT 12:06 AM
“Bottom line is lean, muscular, active, white people survive the Virus and its cure much better than any other racial group.”
…perhaps, but also, admittedly in my very small sample group, Black people tended to be much more Vaxxx and mask complient than White men did, so that too may be a race-based factor.
But healthy is better too. Less comorbidities for one, and more robust immune system by sharing exercise equipment with others for another, and leaner = less fat for it to persist in.
I’m a White boy who didn’t get vaxxxed and didn’t get Coof, but I think my years of many and varied demandson my own immune system helped as well.
Jennifer told me in late September 2019 there was an influenza that was killing a bunch of negroes. They couldn’t figure it out. And that was before bs intubations and remdesivir.
Influenza kills a million a year in the US, but they were baffled (I’m not making a baffled joke) that many relatively young negroes were dying from the flu.
Funny how the CDC has massaged those numbers, recently. In ALL the textbooks from Jennifer’s RRT training flu deaths hovered around a million a year except in extraordinary strains.
Allow me to be more careful of what I type?
The flu kills a million people a year in the US. Black, white, or indifferent.
He literally breathed his last breath through a microphone. That macabre entertainment.
^^^^ Almost sounds like the intro to a great Stone song.
This ‘establishment’ is in Beaumont, Texas. I had never heard of it until last night.
He performed live, until he didn’t. The final beat he dropped was after he died.
You spelled Juneteemf wrong.
…if you watch immediately after the guy goes down the cop is right there, and the cop does put him in recovery postion as they teach internationally as a standard First Responder technique.
…he then goes to his radio and calls someone, presumedly for medical but also possibly for backup as he immediately has a large, excitable, dramatic crowd around him and the fallen beloved icon (who probably does more than one anti-Police rap). Being the lone White guy in a Police uniform in a crowd that’s trained to hate White guys in Police uniforms isn’t a great place to be, so he may have been hampered in proceeding further by a few different things;
A) There’s still culture lag where you don’t think of HEART ATTACK right off when a YOUNG person collapses. Until 2020 it was REALLY uncommon. Now, not so much. But many people still think heart attacks are for the grey headed people (“I’m coming Elizabeth!).
B) THe cop was in a difficult situation, quickly surrounded by a very excitable and probably drunk/drugged/hostile crowd, and he couldn’t ignore the fact that he had an exposed weapon to protect and pretty much had his hands full keeping the crowd away enough so the guy could even have a chance to breathe, even though he wasn’t. While I think Worldstar got a LOT of different angles posted, nothing else productive came of this.
C) The guy may have simply been mentally unwilling/unable to deliver CPR. Not everyone, even with training, will. You don’t know it about yourself until you’re faced with it, and not everyone can.
D) Medical may have been nearby anyway and if so, it’s probably better that he prepare the field for them to be able to access the patient than to do anything on his own that could quite possibly be interpreted as a hostile action if a guy in a LEO uniform does it. Drunk/drug logic is interesting logic. I quit wearing a shirt/badge combo early on and wore an EMS jumpsuit instead as I found that certain populations grew agressive if you looked ANYTHING like LEO and didn’t take the time to actually read your shoulder patch.
But the crowd was nothing but a hinderance. I’m sure Worldstar has quite a few angles on this man’s death today, but little else of use came of the man being immediately mobbed. Again the video ends too soon but it is quite likely that they did impede the medical response.
But based on what I’ve seen and what I’ve read and what I’ve discussed with others, if this WAS a Coof Goof stoppage, it wouldn’t have mattered if the guy collapsed in an ER, he was doomed when the ridiculously long clots finished forming and killed his heart no matter what anyone could do.
And there ARE other things that do this too. Don’t know his history so we don’t know if he had some other condition that could have been disruptive of sinus rhythms including drugs (Fentanyl for example), imbalances of cardioactive minerals such as potassium or calcium, accesory pathways that caused vfib under the stress of performance, a blown aneurysm (saw a 25 yo kid blow out his aortic arch once and he fell so quick and so hard in mid-run he literally erased the tip of his nose on the hardwood and never moved himself in this world again), tons of other fun stuff like that which is in no way limited to just being vaxxxed.
None of us is guarenteed even the next minute. You never know how your story will end until it ends.
Or when.
Good idea to be prepared to meet the Lord at all times.
Because one day, without warning in many cases, it will end like this;
“But God said unto him, ‘Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?”
Luke 12:20
…be ready at all times. Because your time may be now.
As this fellow found out.
As they say in show business… “That’s a tough act to follow”.
The death of this Rapper is unique, most die gangland style from lead poisoning.
Thankfully the record scratching started back up within a few seconds of his dropping… 🙄
If he was a cartoon character like Wile E Coyote he could die again over and over ad infinitem.
TRF AT 8:41 AM
“Thankfully the record scratching started back up within a few seconds of his dropping… 🙄”
…that’s actually not unreasonable, even if it seems disrespectful. I’ve taken people out of crowded night clubs and if the music and entertainment stop, then us working the dying guy BECOMES the music and entertainment, and that was BEFORE Sail Phones and Worldstar.
Speaking for myself, I WANTED the DJ to start dropping beats again so the majority of the folks would shift focus back to having a good time and away from spilling beer on my patient. It’s not like they’re going to be in any way helpful either way, and if it’s handled correctly the further away parts of the crowd won’t even know anything was amiss to begin with.
Silent crowds turn ugly pretty fast. People start crowding to see if its someone they know, rumors start flying as to what happened and what is currently happening, people play telephone with misheard bits of communication that can ramp into a full-blown riot if it fits some preconcieved notion, which is why you want them to go boogie instead of lookie.
Case in point was a time my company was called to a minor electrical fire in a breaker box at a church. This happened to be an AME church that was new to the neighborhood with a “pastor” that had a HUGE racial chip on his shoulder. We got there, assessed, rigged lines, did all the normal stuff and the fire was confined to the box as its designed to do and it WAS still charged. This was not long after they changed the way meters worked so they would blow up in your hands if you pulled them, so SOP was if there was no immediate life or property hazard to call for the power utility to drop power to the building. The Chief called back to the interior crew to say “We’re not going to put this fire out until the electricity is disconnected”.
Revrund Bumphead heard only “We’re not going to put this fire out” and IMMEDIATELY formed this idea in his head that we were going to let a Black church BURN!
…The power guy came, cut the power, we extingushed the offending box and the rest of the church was unaffected.
Other than the shitstorm they brought to City Council.
Good thing it was the ’90s and not the 2020s or they would have burned the REST of the City down, what with the hystoronic head cannon from Revrund RaceHate and his worked up congregation and several other local Black poverty pimps thinking they could ride this to national prominence.
The whole idea of letting a Black church burn was ludicrous from the start, as it would have been a great surprise to our Black members had such an order come down, and I doubt they would have been OK with it. The Chief brought this out along with the fact the church was not further damaged, the fire WAS safely put out, and that records of all conversations were available from both the City and the County with his exact words in it.
He wrapped up by saying, “This is a part Voulenteer department. Anyone who wants to particpate in our drills, come to our meetings, and help us protect our City is welcome to apply and then you will have no doubt what we do and say among ourselves as you will be one of us”.
Followed by placing applications on the table for anyone who wanted one.
A bunch of hostile suits grumbled a bit longer but with even their lawyers rolling their eyes, they finally gave up and left.
The applications were untouched.
…so yes, in most “crowd” situations, ESPECIALLY hostile crowd situations, I would be more than happy to have a DJ to divert and distract most of the folks so we could go about our business in relative peace.
As long as they clear a path for the cot on the dance floor, more power to them.
Go to Gab or Rumble and search for “spinner” videos. That’s some truly freaky (even demonic) stuff. This rapper didn’t appear to “spin” but still quite shocking.
Well at least he heard record-scatching trash as he got on the elevator… going down to Dante’s lower levels.
BTW – Whut circle is record scratching?
….but the Body Mass Index is racist! Are you paying attention Fatso….I mean Lizzo?
Dan Ryan Galt
AT 10:04 AM
“….but the Body Mass Index is racist! Are you paying attention Fatso….I mean Lizzo?”
…you mean like THIS?