Rapper pulls out of concert after learning white people would be charged more to attend – IOTW Report

Rapper pulls out of concert after learning white people would be charged more to attend


Jillian Graham, aka Detroit-based rapper Tiny Jag, pulled out of a local music festival this week because she disagreed with its pay model, in which people of color would pay less for tickets than white festivalgoers. 

Graham said she only found out about AfroFuture Fest’s pay model when a white friend reached out to her and sent her a screenshot via Instagram that outlined the pay difference. The early bird POC (“people of color”) ticket was $10 while the early bird “non-POC” ticket cost $20.

Graham says after the festival confirmed the price structure, she immediately withdrew from the event and requested that she be removed from any promotional materials. She says because she had publicly supported the festival without knowing about the discrepancy between the ticket prices, that she had to publicly withdraw her support as well. She did so by taking to Twitter.


She indicated feeling very triggered, and discussed how the pay model would have affected her family personally — specifically her grandmother.

“A lot of the songs that I perform are from my first project called Polly — that is my grandmother’s name,” Graham says. “How do you want me to come to a performance and perform these songs off a mixtape that is titled after this white woman that you would have charged double to get in here? Like, it’s just outrageous from so many different angles.” 

“It’s non-progressive and it’s not solution-focused in my eyes,” she says. “It seems almost like it has spite, and unfortunately with spite comes hate, and that’s just not obviously going to be a good direction for us to go if we’re looking for positive change.”


Although I commend her, why would someone half to have white relatives to know that this was wrong?

If I were part of a concert that said blacks pay double, I would immediately condemn it, and I don’t have any black grandmas.

Here is the concert promoters vapid explanation:

Equality means treating everyone the same

Equity is insuring everyone has what they need to be successful

Our ticket structure was built to insure that the most marginalized communities (people of color) are provided with an equitable chance at enjoying events in their own community (Black Detroit).

Affording joy and pleasure is unfortunately still a privilege in our society for POC and we believe everyone should have access to receiving such.

We’ve seen too many times orgasmic events happening in Detroit and other POC populated cities and what consistently happens is people outside of the community benefiting most from affordable ticket prices because of their proximity to wealth.

This cycle disproportionately displaces Black and brown peoplefrom enjoying entertainment in their own communities.

As an Afrofuturist youth lead initiative the voices of our youth inform our resistance.

ht/ hot salsa

“If you don’t see my Blackness, you don’t see me. Periodt!”

45 Comments on Rapper pulls out of concert after learning white people would be charged more to attend

  1. Take nothing at face value these days. Could be legit, or could be a publicity move and she’ll do a 180° in a week’s time when the pressure is on to get her to shut up and get back on the plantation.

  2. Some of her best friends are white.

    So, I am to understand that after hearing “CPT” stands for colored people time for their ritual tardiness that they were going to get an early bird special for tickets?

    Rabid chronologicism. Straight up, yo.

  3. “It’s non-progressive and it’s not solution-focused in my eyes,”

    I would argue that if it’s progressive it’s still a not solution-focused. None of their thinking is.

  4. “Although I commend her, why would someone half to have white relatives to know that this was wrong?”

    I agree. And I know the left will trash her for this, but hey, maybe others with 100% black families will see how stupid this is, and understand why the festival is full of BS.

  5. CI think what the promoters are doing is illegal. I think you can legally charge different prices for such things as age or veteran status, but charging by skin color is over the line.

    Reverse the pricing structure where POC pay more and you’d be sued and shut down.

    I don’t expect you’ll see any of the marxists at the ACLU challenging this in court.

  6. “I have an idea. Let’s charge more to people who probably won’t show up. And let’s do it to the kind of people who made the industry model that made us all rich by doing the kind of thing our forbebears fought to eliminate. Yeah, that’ll show ‘em.”

  7. “AfroFuture” Fest

    Don’t think for a micro-second this isn’t the future these kinds Fascists want for any American, black, brown, white or other. They will do this to anyone.

  8. Let’s examine the response:

    “Equality means treating everyone the same”

    Okay. At least they got that right.

    “Equity is insuring everyone has what they need to be successful”

    Uh oh. There’s that Marxist/Communist word. Trouble ahead. (Besides which, how is a reduced ticket price going to ensure any individual’s success?)

    “Our ticket structure was built to insure that the most marginalized communities (people of color) are provided with an equitable chance at enjoying events in their own community (Black Detroit).”

    Here we go. Has anyone pointed out that the most successful (and powerful) people in Detroit *are* black? Their politicians certainly aren’t complaining about financial equity! And with POTUS Trump’s economy and “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!” report, Michigan is lousy with jobs. Get a job and stop being self-“marginalized” by your choice to stay on the dole, why don’t you?

    “Affording joy and pleasure is unfortunately still a privilege in our society for POC and we believe everyone should have access to receiving such.”

    Hmmm? It seems the concert performers don’t believe in this as much as they believe in the old fashioned, capitalist tenets of being paid for their work. But the sophistry sounds nice.

    “We’ve seen too many times orgasmic events happening in Detroit and other POC populated cities and what consistently happens is people outside of the community benefiting most from affordable ticket prices because of their proximity to wealth.”

    1. It being Detroit, I imagine there are a lot of public “orgasmic” events. Every city has those areas. I wouldn’t want to see them, much less pay to see them.

    2. The rest is more word salad, based on an illogical assumption that just because cities have larger populations of “POC”, there must be a missing contingent of “POC” attendees because ticket prices have not been “equitable.”

    3. Another bit of twisted logic: The promoters seem to assume that all non-“POC’s” either a) have access to a rich uncle, b) that their sofas contain more loose change, and c) all non-“POC’s” have an ATM card, not an EBT card.

    “This cycle disproportionately displaces Black and brown peoplefrom enjoying entertainment in their own communities.”

    Another self-serving leap of assumption (aka lie) to get “POC’s” all riled up about class warfare in America. But the biggest bias is in thinking that real entertainment for “POC’s” is a night of listening to rappers describe unholy acts against women, non-“POC’s”, their relatives, and even animals; memorialized in verse in which the ‘F’ word is a noun, verb, adverb, pronoun, and adjective.

    “As an Afrofuturist youth lead initiative the voices of our youth inform our resistance.”

    And there you have it. If they had begun their response with this simple admission, we could have skipped the whole bloody analysis. Besides which, their new, made-up word should be “Astroturfist”, because the contemporary use of the term “Resistance” is a Communist idea; one that is popular among the Left’s most Useful Idiots.

    Candace Owens puts on a better show and she doesn’t charge a dime. All the smarter “POC” are getting hip to this and it’s driving Astroturfists bonkers!

  9. Years ago the promoters of this Satanic
    crap had to shovel it to the suburban white
    kids cause their parents had money to buy
    the CD’s…

  10. Of course you shouldn’t have to have white relatives to understand this, but she just happens to and she had no control over that. I think criticizing her for this, seemingly assuming she wouldn’t have said anything if she didn’t have a white grandma, is rather silly.

    I’m not a fan of rap music, but whatever.

    And @Anonymous, what’s the deal with you? Is that bullshit supposed to be funny?

  11. Ummm, how do they enforce the POC rule on cheaper tickets? How black do you have to be to get a cheaper ticket? Does one Grandfather count? How about One mother and one uncle? Maybe they need to work this out first. A good place for them to start is checking out the Nuremberg Race Laws from 1935 that the Nazi’s used to describe what a Jew was. I mean if you’re going base decisions on ancestry then what better group to learn off of were the Nazi Thugs.

  12. scr_north — The Nazi’s got the template for their own Jewish laws directly from Democrats. True story. But when they saw how the D’s determined who was black (a single drop of blood), even they demurred, believing that to be just too strict a test even for German Jews. D’Souza’s done all the research on this, including the notes and transcripts of the Germans involved.

  13. Jillian is wise, brave, rational – And Activist! Obama and his promotion of racial Balkanization was unwise, evil and self-serving. He set race relations back a half century. He encouraged antagonism and hostility between interest groups and fomented Fascist groups like the Antifa. Jillian, we will never know one another but I am your friend!

  14. Good for her. Its time for POC to stand up for what is right and just. White people make no more than black people for doing the same job.
    Employers can not discriminate based on color. This equates to get a job and pay the same as everybody else.

  15. AfroFuture Fest has announced a MSM every. No, not Main Stream Media, Rather a Mass shooting magnet. White people would be crazy to go to what will likely be viewed by White Supremacists groups, as an invitation or even a challenge to do something about this obviously Black Nationalist group. I would be amazed if it doesn’t end in Gun Violence and bloodshed. If your smart, you won’t go to this event no matter what color you are or aren’t. No music or anti white vitriol is worth dying for. As for those poor people who are any color but White, (Colored People) If this Black Nationalist group cared anything about their not getting to this Concert due to financial hardships, I suggest they vote for President Trump, who has actually gotten them more higher paying Jobs Less unemployment and put some money in their pockets for the first time in decades,, and in the meantime give a free performance in “Black Detroit whatever the hell that is supposed to be. Maybe White shop owners should start charging colored people (POC), more for services and food han Whites pay since we are so taxed to pay for everything Colored people have. Yeah sounds silly doesn’t it. Racist and dumb ass like AfroFuture Fest.

  16. AfroFuture Fest has announced a MSM event. No, not Main Stream Media, Rather a Mass shooting magnet. White people would be crazy to go to what will likely be viewed by White Supremacists groups, as an invitation or even a challenge to do something about this obviously Black Nationalist group. I would be amazed if it doesn’t end in Gun Violence and bloodshed. If your smart, you won’t go to this event no matter what color you are or aren’t. No music or anti white vitriol is worth dying for. As for those poor people who are any color but White, (Colored People) If this Black Nationalist group cared anything about their not getting to this Concert due to financial hardships, I suggest they vote for President Trump, who has actually gotten them more higher paying Jobs Less unemployment and put some money in their pockets for the first time in decades,, and in the meantime give a free performance in “Black Detroit” whatever the hell that is supposed to be. Maybe White shop owners should start charging colored people (POC), more for services and food than Whites pay since we are so taxed to pay for everything Colored people have. Yeah sounds silly doesn’t it. Racist and dumb ass like AfroFuture Fest.

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