Rat Pack vs. the hippie: Trump and Clinton are from opposite ends of same decade – IOTW Report

Rat Pack vs. the hippie: Trump and Clinton are from opposite ends of same decade

Hillary and Trump are the same age, yet they seem like they are from completely different generations. That’s because they are, in spirit.

Hillary is of the patchouli, greasy hair and low energy tribe.

Trump is from the Aqua Velva, Vitalis and swingers tribe.

Podheretz analyzes Trump and determines that he’s definitely a product of the Rat Pack generation- gold coffee tables, crystal lamps, casinos and swagger.


ht/ all too much

13 Comments on Rat Pack vs. the hippie: Trump and Clinton are from opposite ends of same decade

  1. Since Friday I’ve heard a few comments from friends and acquaintances that they hope DJT begins to act more “presidential” and restrained now that he’s taken office. I just cannot get through to them that his unpresidential and unrestrained demeanor is why the f&%k we voted for him in the first place. This not a nuanced or subtle point, but there are some who I don’t think will ever get it.

  2. Al, I’ve had the same conversation, yesterday even. The wife of a friend of mine that voted for Trump hopes he changes who he is. I was quick, but polite, to let her know that if he was to change it would be a sign that even he is getting beat by the PC police. I like Trump just the way he is!

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