Read Ex-Mueller aides’ anti- Trump texts – IOTW Report

Read Ex-Mueller aides’ anti- Trump texts

FOX: The anti-Trump text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that led to Strzok’s removal from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe have been obtained by Fox News.

Read them below.


Peter Strzok – Martin O’Malley is a freak show.

Lisa Page – Yikes Baby! Yeah, that’s what everyone says.


Strzok – He asked me who I’d vote for, guessed Kasich.

Page – Seriously?! Would you not D?

Strzok – I don’t know. I suppose Hillary.

Page – I would D.


Page – God Trump is loathsome human.

Strzok – Yet he many win.

Strzok – Good for Hillary.

Page – It is.

Strzok – Would he be a worse president than Cruz?

Page –Trump?, yes I think so

Strzok – I’m not sure.

Strzok – Omg he’s an idiot.

Page – He’s awful

Strzok – America will get what the voting public deserves.

Page – That’s what I’m afraid of.

getty/official photo

Strzok – God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.

Page – I know

Page – Also did you hear him make a comment about the size of his d**k earlier? This man cannot be president.

Strzok – Yes I did. In relation to this size of his hand. All the “Lil Marco” blah blah blah

Strzok – Ok I may vote for Trump.

Page – What? Poor Kasich. He’s the only sensible man up there.

Strzok – He was pretty much calling for death for Snowden. I’m a single-issue voter. 😉 Espionage Machine Party

Strzok – Exacty re Kasich. And he has ZERO appeal


21 Comments on Read Ex-Mueller aides’ anti- Trump texts

  1. They would have accepted Clinton or Kasich? Wow. Good for Kasich. Hopefully if mailman’s son runs again his challenger will hold these texts against him. Can you imagine what they would have done to Cruz and the other candidates if they were beating Hillary?

  2. ‘Omg he’s an idiot’ – seriously, these morons sound like they are in junior high and given their conversations I’d say they are the real (and very dangerous) idiots. Kasich?! Completely out of touch with reality.

  3. And here I thought ‘the dog ate their homework’. Glad these will be seen by the Hoi Polloi.

    In their defense, at least they’re not surfing for porn the entire workday. Not the whole day.

  4. And these are FBI, not Water Department jerks that couldn’t hold a real job.

  5. These are the caliber of scum the Obama purge swept into higher positions. The same with the military leadership. And in turn all these swine need to be removed.
    20 years ago this crap wouldn’t have even seemed possible.
    The Obama damage is still being assessed.

  6. @When is Open Season:
    “In their defense, at least they’re not surfing for porn the entire workday. Not the whole day.”
    I’ve been told by people who should know, that you can send texts WHILE you are surfing internet porn. So I’ve been told. By people who should know.

  7. They sound like teenage girls.
    Parroting MSNBC talking points. Idiots.

    And 5 months of texts on Federal government phones have been deleted?
    If the crime doesn’t get you indicted, the coverup will.
    Mueller needs to be indicted, and removed, in that order.
    I don’t expect to see it. But it needs to happen.

  8. How a high level FBI agent thinks:

    I’m in the FBI for the good of the republic.
    I chase criminals for the good of the republic.
    I suck up to power for the good of the republic.
    I commit adultery with my colleague for the good of the republic.
    I frame innocent people for the good of the republic.
    I let guilty people off the hook for the good of the republic.
    I leak classified documents for the good of the republic.
    I lie to Congress for the good of the republic.
    I destroy evidence for the good of the republic.

    I think it’s high time one of these arrogant assholes went to prison… for the good of the republic.

  9. Has anyone else noted that we know NOTHING about Strzok or Page beyond that they work for the FBI?

    Don’t leftists immediately dox conservatives? We know their spouses names, spouses’ employer, kids names and ages, where they live, where they go to school and there’s usually a large contingent of sign carrying loudmouths in front of their houses.

    Why not now?

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