Reader Critter Contributions – IOTW Report

Reader Critter Contributions

0 Reader Critter Contributions 8-14-16


Jethro: 1) Taken at Zion National Park in 2012. I call it “Not now, I’m posing for a picture…”

Tina: 2) My golden retriever, Emily, in her Ushanka hat,
3) My St. Bernard, Hudson, just chillin’

Meerkat B: 4) She is obviously fully grown now (ok, I’m planting ideas!) and for an indoor cat not fat and in good health.  When she sleeps, she instinctively hides all her white parts, including tucking in her chin and the white tip of her tail underneath her so she is completely black.  I find this amazing, but when I tell other people they are like so?  So!  She was a spawn of a street cat!  And she is feisty, too much so.

Meerkat sent me this pic after I lost my Zoe in April. Meerkat, you forgot to tell me what her name is! She’s adorable.

sTevo: 5) Our neighbors ducks came for a visit yesterday

Eugenia: 6) I took the pictures through a storm door.  This is Michelle Obama visiting our deck.  She heard there was free food.

This is the crazy cat house.  We have 16 mostly seniors and and geriatrics. I took the pictures.
7) Mimi’s owner died and she was sent to a kill shelter.  Her last day on death row she was taken by the no-kill, no-cage shelter where I volunteer.  I love old fat cats so she came home with us.  A real sweetie.
8) The calico is Chessie.  She was adopted from our shelter and returned after 8 years when her owners divorced.  Another chub-a-tub purr fur.

Kurt: 9) This is my (happy) donkey, Loretta.

I’m a reader of iotwr for a couple of years, a minor donor, infrequent commentor…… Anyway, I enjoy your Sunday morning animal presentations……thought I’d submit one for use someday.

ABQ Bill: 10) Reggie’s 10th birthday

JustAl: JustAl took all of these, photography is a long time hobby.
11) White Lahsa Apso = Kodiak
12) A Pet shot on private property (Elk)


Attributions: If a reader sends in photos from the web, email or elsewhere (photos not taken by them or family/friends), I will add them to my collection of web images to post periodically. Otherwise, if it is their photo, I will include the information given to me when sent in.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion in the Sunday Critter feature (done a couple times a year or whenever I get enough pics) please sent your submission to:

Please use the word ‘Critters’ in the subject line and
include the following in the body of the email:

1.  Your screen name
2.  Indicate if you or family/friend took the picture (if the picture is from the web or an email someone sent you, it may be featured in a different post)
3.  Any description you wish

P.S. I post pictures “in the order they are received”. If you send more than a couple of pictures, they may not all make the cut. But if you’re patient, they still may make it if I run out of new entries.

7 Comments on Reader Critter Contributions

  1. The big guy in #12 charged the fence I was shooting through right after this, then ran along it chasing my car to the section line. You can just see the pissed offedness in his eye.

  2. @bayouwulf, LOL, just crazy and living in a rural area near a huge reservation//park where people dump animals.

    Thank you Claudia! I love seeing other contributor’s animals here. So adorable. Thanks for posting some of my girls.

    @Meerkat, your kitty definitely has the Madame Feisty attitude.

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