Reader guest post by Officer Muddjuice – Am I alone here? – IOTW Report

Reader guest post by Officer Muddjuice – Am I alone here?

Officer Muddjuice needs some help from the readers of iOTWreport.  -bfh

Some years ago, a fellow police officer told me that the Constitution of the United States was written for the world, therefore, it granted constitutional rights to everyone, not just US citizens.  Even people who came here illegally were covered.

I laughed at him.

No, I said, it’s a contract between the federal government of the United States and her citizens, i.e. “the people”.  We argued.  I thought him to be a fool.  Who could possibly believe such nonsense?  This man retired from police work and became……….a lawyer.

I should share a little bit of my history, for some context.  My grandfather fought in the Dutch Resistance during the Second World War.  He and my grandmother and their two sons, one of whom was my father, immigrated to the U.S. via Canada in the 1950s.  I am pro-immigration.  I love my heritage, but I love America more.

I’m now going into my 19th year as a police officer in a large suburb in West Michigan, a fairly conservative part of the state.  Recently, I was given what I thought to be an unlawful order by a lieutenant at my department. I was told that I had to ask permission to document any immigration violations.  I could not write a report or send a tip to ICE about illegal immigrants without approval from a supervisor.

This was new.  Never before had I been told that I had to ask permission to document a crime.  This was crazy, I thought.  I asked around.  I asked people in law enforcement and I asked people outside of law enforcement.  I asked family members, fellow church goers.  I even asked people here on IOTWReport.  Almost universally, people agreed with me.  The few who disagreed could not give any legal reasoning, only personal/political views.

I consulted my union president.  In 18 years working as a cop I’ve had no reason to ask my union for anything.  I thought the union was the there to cover up for the lazy people.  As long as I worked hard and stuck to doing my job, I knew there would never be a time when I would need them.  Times change.  The union agreed with me.  They also demanded this order in writing.

So, the chief obliged and put it in writing for everyone.  The union buckled.  They backed down.  There was nothing illegal about the order, they said.  I was left out to dry.  I felt like an island.

Oh, many officers came up to me and whispered, “This is bull!”  But no one formally objected.  No one made a peep.  Just me.  I was alone.

I was also alone when I was called in to see the captains about it.

I was asked to show my compassion, as a Christian.  I was asked to get on board with the mission.  They admitted that illegal immigration was……illegal.  However, they did not want to upset the residents in our city that were here illegally, or the friends and relatives of those who were here illegally.

I spoke with a friend in the FBI.  He saw the big picture.  He understood both sides of the argument but agreed with the police department.  Why? Because the Constitution of the United States grants rights to all people, as soon as they step foot on our soil.  Regardless of how they got here.  No matter why they were here, their intentions notwithstanding.

He told me that it was our duty as Americans to uphold the constitution.  But, even more so, it was our duty to help the helpless, because we are Christians.

So, I’ve come to a conclusion.


I must be.  I have to be.  I just can’t see it.  I don’t understand why I’m wrong.  I don’t know where I went wrong.  But I have to be wrong.

I’m not a good cop.  I’m not a good American.  And, apparently, I’m not a good Christian.

So, I’m asking for help.  I’ve admitted that I have a problem, which is the first step.  Now, I need people smarter and wiser than I am to point out my error.

Help me IOTWReport……’re my only hope……

Officer Muddjuice

42 Comments on Reader guest post by Officer Muddjuice – Am I alone here?

  1. No you’re not wrong, friend. You are absolutely right. Constitutional rights are for AMERICAN CITIZENS.

    Also, it really burns me up for people to say it’s un-Christian to oppose illegal immigration. Christ and His apostles, who wrote the New Testament, instruct Christians to have a high view of the law and to be obedient citizens, as long as obeying the laws of the land didn’t cause them to disobey God’s law. What you’re experiencing is simply liberals who want to use a twisted view of Christianity to achieve political ends.

    Keep fighting the good fight.

  2. Muddjuice, you said:

    I’m not a good cop. I’m not a good American. And, apparently, I’m not a good Christian.

    Only one of those is likely. You sure seem to me to be a good American. You sure seem to me to be a good Christian.

    That leaves whether or not you’re a good cop. And that raises the question of just what is a cop. Seems to me you are in a conflict based on assumptions I now ask you to examine: that the laws are all worth enforcing, and that your organizational superiors are always to be obeyed. I think you already know the answer to both of those, or your conscience wouldn’t be troubling you the way it is.

    I happen to believe that U.S. immigration laws are in large part wrong, but that is secondary to my belief that the U.S. welfare state laws are a much worse problem. Until the welfare state is demolished, the free travel into the U.S. by anyone outside is simply crazy, if not societally suicidal. That leaves the conundrum that the immigration laws are wrong, but ought to be enforced. Yeah. Ouch. Your superiors and your union are wrong. You are right.

    A side point, but an important one: the Constitution does most emphatically NOT grant rights. it recognizes the rights that inhere to all people, and prohibits the govt from acting to violate those rights. And if those rights are the result of our human nature, then unless you hold that people who are not U.S. citizens are some kind of different species, then as far as govt actions are concerned, everybody has the same legal rights. No, it doesn’t work that way, but I submit that it should.

    OK, this is already far too long. Maybe I’ll add more later, but this’ll do for now.

    Keep up the good work, and keep examining what you do and why you do it. Thanks.

  3. Of course you’re not wrong. Does your contact in the FBI really think anyone who sets foot on US soil, legally or not, has the right to keep and bear arms uninfringed?

    People here legally essentially sign a contract stating they can be here under certain circumstances, those circumstances protect their rights to a lessor degree than the rights of Americans per my first paragraph above in particular.

    And people here illegally have no rights under the Constitution, they are de-facto invaders and should be expelled without legal representation or trial. And any lawyer who says differently should be stripped of citizenship and expelled with them.

    One only has to be literate to read and understand the Constitution, but it takes a law degree to subvert it.

  4. There’s been major anti-American infiltration at every level of government and the “Non Governmental Orgs” so that effectively, America is toast.
    The kids have been indoctrinated with shit thinking for 60-80 years . Just look at what passes for a logical argument where any number of true premises (1+1+1+1+1+…= 1) and the valid conclusion that follows necessarily. FACTS are ALL that matter.
    Everything that is based in emotion is CRAP but has, over the decades, replaced Logic and America’s obvious Judeo-Christian founding that those 56 White Guys gave us. And most of them happily referred to John Locke’s book of the early 1700s wherein it cites some 1500 times the Bible – not just personal day-to-day living, but government… (h/t David Barton – it’s why the Left does so much to try to destroy him)
    Over the decades, fallible humans felt quite capable of interpretting and re-interpretting the Dec.of In. and the Const. so they could reason to get what “they” and their supporters wanted.
    See also: Tell a big enough lie often enough and people believe it.
    FDR listed a whole new SECOND Bill of Rights – just because he was the Presnit…
    You’ll notice only an honest few folks try like hell to “Keep the Republic.” Anytime any one supports Man-given rights as opposed or as equal to America’s God-given rights, it’s just another slide down into the abyss, with only those in power doing what they will, for themselves and to the powerless.

  5. “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows” No ,you are not wrong.

    I understand why the other officer would say that but I do not agree with him. The fact that an illegal immigrant has trespasses on our sovereign soil does not or at least should not grant them all out rights and privileges. We should be very polite and kind as we arrest, prosecute, and escort back to their place of origin. If they can pay good, if they want back in legally that should pay any prior deportation fees that they incurred. I am not upset with immigrants wanting to come here, it makes me proud in fact. What I resent is the manner in which they do it. Our immigration system may be broke and we should address that, but the solution is certainly not to break our legal system in order to compensate. It’s easy for me to say here but I hope you stick to your gut and I pray others follow.
    God Bless and stay strong.

  6. Officer Mudjuice.

    The Constitution is for members only.

    Don’t ever think you’re not a good Christian because you are against lawbreakers. You’re just RIGHT.


  7. You are not wrong; what’s puzzling you is simply the forced shift in perspective brought about by decades of slow, subtle indoctrination. In short, what you’re seeing is the planned, deliberate lawlessness which is only now starting to bear fruit in earnest. The fruit of societal suicide (murder, more accurately) and collapse.

    Consider how the very same illegals who we’re told possess the Constitutional liberties that you were born to are, at the same time, exempt from the very same laws by which you must abide. Consider that citizens have their Constitutional rights denied on a daily basis, as a matter of course. Consider that according to many, those who come here have no need to assimilate. As with the Left, they are allowed to claim the Constitution as their own even if they long to see it torn up and replaced.

    Make no mistake: you’re seeing what you’re seeing. You’re baffled because you know that YOU haven’t moved. The Constitution hasn’t moved. The majority has BEEN moved and someday, they’ll get what they’ve been told to want. Such is democracy.

  8. You are a good cop Muddjuice. A bad cop wouldn’t give a shit about what’s right or wrong. You have the conscience of a righteous Christian and a good cop and a patriotic American.

    There is a democrat behing every illegal voter in America. They don’t care if the illegals burn the whole country down so long as their piece of the pie is garanteed by way of out of control corruption. How we ever let the bastards infiltrate law enforcement, I’ll never understand. That is not the right place for the corrupt to have any authority.

    Hang in there buddy. I’ll remember to mention you in my prayers.

  9. You are definitely right, as an officer you need to uphold the laws in this country. And as for this part of what you said: ” I was asked to show my compassion, as a Christian. I was asked to get on board with the mission.” You need to obey what Jesus told the Pharisees and that was ” Give unto Ceasar what is due him” Upholding our laws on illegal immigrants is just that and along with other things that we may agree with or not.

  10. No sir, you are not wrong, because if you were right anybody in large enough numbers could walk in an take us over.
    Sound familiar?
    The system is being twisted, gamed, subverted and collapsed right before our very eyes!

  11. You’re not wrong.

    This is insane.

    Are you giving it up when you get your 20? Do you think you can do more harm than good by staying longer? Do you think you can withstand the corrosive effect of this toxic distortion of the law?

    These can only be answered by you. I think you’re a good man, a good Christian and a good cop. God bless you.

  12. No Sir, you are not wrong. Many of us feel as you do but we are subordinate to powerful people who are wrong and who want to “fundamentally change America.” These are terrible times, as you must be aware.
    Orders come from the top and all lawful orders must be obeyed
    Enforcement of laws and ordinances are sometimes discretionary and always political. For example last year in NYC the police were ordered to arrest a guy selling loose cigarettes, remember that? The guy resisted arrested and died after a struggle with police. The City threw the cops to the wolves and awarded the dead hoodlums family millions.
    You apparently patrol a “sanctuary city,” where the powers that be encourage illegal immigrants. Am I right?
    If so, don’t be a maverick, roll with the punches, collect your pension and keep your family from harm.
    Things may change in November. But if Killary is elected President, the country is doomed. Vivat Jesus

  13. Had cops like you stood up when asked to violate our second amendment rights you would not be facing this today.
    Getting the toothpaste back in the tube is not easy, but you have to move the line ALL the way back to the constitution, not just this issue.

  14. I’ll give you my thoughts as follows:

    The Preamble to the Constitution makes it very clear that the Constitution was created by and solely for the United States of America.

    “WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, DO ORDAIN AND ESTABLISH THIS CONSTITUTION FOR the United States of America.”

    The Constitution is a compact between the government and the CITIZENS of America that was written to PROTECT (not grant) the rights that God gave us along with the sovereignty / security of American territory.

    If citizenship means nothing, there is no country. If there is no country, there is no valid governmental structure to make laws or enforce them. Societies couldn’t exist without some ability to maintain order and everyone doing whatever they want is the antithesis of societal order. Selective enforcement of laws as in this case causes a slow destruction of the established social order and would eventually result in the moral vacuum of anarchy.

    Those who are not valid CITIZENS of America are CITIZENS of their native country and obviously, a Constitution written FOR AMERICANS BY AMERICANS has no valid application to them under any circumstances – it is the duty of their country to protect their rights on their soil. An intruder has no valid moral claim to any “rights” or your property just because he breaks into your house and the same thing applies to America. Anyone claiming otherwise is being intellectually dishonest or is a fool.

    Scriptures are often twisted and / or misunderstood by people crying for compassion for people that shouldn’t be in this country. As a Christian, we can have compassion for people while at the same time not allowing them to live off the taxpayers by staying in this country. Taxpayers and actual citizens deserve Christian compassion too and that includes our government not stealing from us to support people that shouldn’t be here to begin with. This article has a pretty solid Biblical take on illegal immigration and what the Bible tells us about borders and national sovereignty (the Bible doesn’t support the idea of illegal “immigration”).

    I think the fact that you actually care about whether your workplace decisions are moral or not indicates clearly that you aren’t a bad cop. By definition, bad cops have no compunction about the morality of their actions. Only a good cop would have the moral integrity to question what they are being told to do. The bad cops here are the ones telling you to turn a blind eye to upholding morally valid laws they swore an oath to enforce.

    I’ve been fired from a job for doing what was right for the company (both morally and economically) so I don’t envy the position you’re in. I can personally say that I have never regretted doing what I still fully believe was the right thing even thought the consequences hurt me in many ways. I didn’t have children to be affected by this and didn’t have a wife for very long afterward either LOL, so my own decision was not as impactful as it may be in your case.

    There are a lot of things for you to consider for your own situation including the impact on your pension / benefits if you make it to 20 years (vs, 18 years now). Sometimes you have to go against personal principles to some extent to uphold other principles like being able to support your family (which is a higher principle in the grand scheme of things).

    Also, sometimes circumstances can change quickly like new leadership that is honest replacing the current regime you’re under (or new national leadership that will enforce immigration law in the next few months). Sometimes you have to outlast the corruption even while having to tolerate it to some extent so there are still good people left to continue when all is said and done. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    May YHVH grant you wisdom in this situation and solace in the outcome.

  15. I need some more info before I offer advice. (For what ever my opinion is worth).
    Do you have kids at home? Are you married? Do you have a Morgage?

    If the answer is yes to any of the above Back The Fuck Off. You owe your family.

    You should know the info you provide here goes a long ways. I think I’d try and get some of my fellow officers to try and put more
    Pressure on the Union.

    Don’t feel bad about the Christian thing. I’m a gun manufacturer that’s wife is big time Catholic and appearantly we are no longer welcome. She’s so pissed we haven’t attended since Pope Bernie Sanders made that announcement.

  16. If I may, sir, I believe you have misspoken. You state that the Constitution grants us rights. This is in error. Our rights, named and unnamed, are innate and unalienable; that is, we are born with certain rights which can neither be taken nor given away even if we wished to do so.

    Our declaration of Independence recognizes those rights, and our Constitution is a social contract which establishes a government for the purpose of securing those rights.

    All men are born with these rights, no matter where that place of birth may be. Not all men have banded together to throw off the shackles of tyranny and secure those rights for themselves and their progeny.

    If we wish to establish a police force to protect the peace in our community, it would be irrational to then scoff at the demand that we each lock our doors. Similarly, if an immigrant wishes his innate rights secured by an established society, it would be only rational for him to submit to a brief quiz affirming his ability and desire to become part of that society. Further, if this man found himself in violation of law established by the people of the land he wishes become a part of, he must first atone for those crimes. If he is unwilling, then it is clearly unlikely to become a functioning member of the society he wishes to join.

    If it isn’t abundantly clear, I am Jeffersonian in my political beliefs. Clay Jenkinson is a man who portrays on stage a number of historical figures, including Jefferson. While all of his performances are good, one stands out as phenomenal in my opinion:

    I was privileged to be in attendance for this presentation. The first five minutes is an introduction. The next hour and forty minutes is enthralling and addresses, in part, what I have said here, though far more eloquently. Be you more Jeffersonian or Hamiltonian, it would be difficult, I think, to make the argument that Mr. Jenkinson has not accomplished a great deal in this performance.

  17. One thing about advice: Wise men don’t need it and fools won’t heed it.

    Women? Women know every fucking thing. That’s why I sold my Encyclopedia Brittanica set when I got married back in ’64.

  18. Actually you were right, but your fellow officer at the time was on to something. That the independence of America from England and the forging of the Constitution WOULD change the world for the better. But like you said, it it belongs sovereignty to the United States, herself. Not to the world.
    Also, illegally immigrating from your downtrodden homeland to a land that will immediately bestow milk and honey upon you is a cop out. The good Lord has birthed you in a land. Especially grown men, who are the most likely to migrate. He has placed you in a sovereign country. And if you migrate, you have not fought for what our forefathers fought for in the United States, you have abandoned your fight. If things are that bad in your home country then look to the United States as a template, not a respite, or especially not a abdication of duty and love of your own homeland, where you abandoned your wife and children.
    Finally, the politics. When do we talk about our own poor? Our own suffering middle class also that has had no increase in pay over the past ten years, but needs to pay inflating costs? The democrats talk of peoples to our south and in the Middle East as suffering, when do they talk about our nations peoples? It is not as if we are at an acme at this point financially in this nation. The huge debt, and debt of our citizens, through mortgage, student loans, and credit cards. On top of that, over the last few years, because of Obamacare we have $4000 deductibles on our health insurance. So God forbid, anyone in our family falls ill. My point is, we have our own problems. Yes, we may be better off, but we are a sovereign nation that must protect our people first. Not import voters to run it down to the ground even faster.

  19. Muddjuice, you are not alone. Most cops I work with feel the same way. Get used to it, I doubt very much it will change; if anything, it will get worse, much worse.
    The citizens will continue to elect fools, knaves and thieves. Do your job as you are ordered to. Don’t get cynical and bitter, you won’t be able to do your job properly if you do. Serve your community proudly.
    Protect your family.
    Protect your mates.
    Protect yourself.
    When you get sick of the hypocrisy, retire.
    Don’t ever trust the politicians, they only serve themselves.

  20. You are absolutely correct, sir. You’ve just gotten caught up in the current trend of selective law enforcement.

    Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton are not in jail.

    The rioters in Baltimore went said to need, and were given, “Space to destroy.”

    The brave people who took down Neanderthugs like Michael Brown were criticized no end, and made to suffer.

    No sir, you are not wrong. You are, sadly, navigating a landscape that doesn’t put as much of a premium on being right as it once did.

  21. BTW that’s a new word I’ve created, just as my college bud Michael Musto invented the word “celebutard” a number of years ago.

    It fits a wide range of characters–such as the female who knocked down a 103-year-old woman in the lobby of her Bronx apartment building yesterday, and made off with $35 and two meals the senior citizen had carried home from a senior center. In fact, I think I’ll make her the charter nominee in the Neanderthug Hall of Fame.

    I encourage you to use this term wherever you think it appropriate.

  22. Immigrants. legal and not, do have rights under the Constitution.
    The Supreme Court settled on this in the 1800s and has be defining those rights further ever since.

    Zadvydas v. Davis (2001) that “due process” of the 14th Amendment applies to all aliens in the United States whose presence maybe or is “unlawful, involuntary or transitory.”

    Twenty years before Zadvydas, the Supreme Court ruled that the state of Texas could not enforce a state law that prohibited illegally present children from attending grade schools, as all other Texas children were required to attend.

    The court ruled in Plyler that:

    The illegal aliens who are … challenging the state may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection clause which provides that no state shall ‘deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.’ Whatever his status under immigration laws, an alien is a ‘person’ in any ordinary sense of the term … the undocumented status of these children does not establish a sufficient rational basis for denying benefits that the state affords other residents.

    A decade before Plyler, the court ruled in Almeida-Sanchez v. United States (1973) that all criminal charge-related elements of the Constitution’s amendments (the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and the 14th) such as search and seizure, self-incrimination, trial by jury and due process, protect non-citizens, legally or illegally present.

  23. All Too Much – I think what you are saying is correct under today’s dubious “legal” environment, but under the Constitution as written, non-citizens have no rights. The “rights” you noted sprang forth from the corrupt, twisted minds of treasonous, oath violating tyrants in black robes inventing new law for which they had no authority.

    Constitutional rights for criminal invaders and their offspring have no valid origin in the Constitution itself just as Roe V. Wade and other recent decisions like upholding Obamacare and the completely fabricated Constitutional “right” for homosexual marriage.

  24. Back in the day, when I was a young State trooper we did interdiction on the Interstates. You always knew when it was an election year. The Feds (INS, DEA) would come up and join us on the patrols, set up processing etc. It was all for numbers. Hell we even had the National Guard set up in rest areas with specialized detection equipment. When the election was over, couldn’t find a fed anywhere. One time I had stopped a U-Haul, a foul odor and an illegal mexican driver prompted me to investigate further. Upon opening the cargo door, the smell gagged me,before I saw the wretched mass of humanity packed into the cargo hold. There were at least 40 people, babies, children, women and men looking out at me with hollowed eyes filled with fear. I wanted to shoot the mule driver on site, but my pity for these wretched souls overcame my anger. I notified dispatch and INS was contacted. INS advised they had no place to detain them and to let them go! I had dispatch advise my superiors, who reluctantly agreed with INS. These people had no food, water or hygiene products. Just some dirty old rags for clothes. It sickened me. Any type of detention would have at least fed and cleansed those children. I am not pro-immigration, but I am pro-humanity. I released them with the saying “Vaya con Dios”. This occurred in the 90’s during clinton’s presidency.

  25. Afghanvet – I’m old enough to remember when part of what drove churches in America was to take care of the “needy”. The govt. has slowly usurped that function from churches, but they don’t perform the function anywhere near as well because they have no “soul” when it comes to compassion for other humans and actually caring for people.

    I’m all for being humane to people, but that only goes so far in reality. Feed and clothe them for their immediate needs, but setting people up for a lifetime of govt. benefits (financed by taxpayers trying to support their own families with the limited resources they have EARNED) in a culture and society they have contributed nothing to and have nothing in common with is morally wrong. I don’t think I’m disagreeing with your overall sentiments BTW.

    I think America can be most effective by exporting our societal and cultural principles as stated in the Constitution rather than allowing every poor individual in the world that can make it to America to suck off the American taxpayer’s teat. But we can’t force our way of life on people – they have to accept it as a superior way of living on their own compared to their historical “norms”. If they refuse to accept it, that is on them (Christ even told the apostles to “kick the dirt off their feet and go on down the road” if the people in a given place were not receptive to God’s Word).

    It kind of boils down to a lifeboat analogy. The lifeboat can only hold 24 people – if we try to rescue hundreds of people with the lifeboat, we all go down and we all die. Should we try to fit hundreds into the lifeboat and face certain death for all of us, or sail away with all we are able to carry and most of us survive?

    America as a sovereign nation) has a finite, very limited capacity to absorb epeople as a beneficiary of our resources. We’ve already done more than any other country in the world to alleviate suffering, but there is no end to suffering. We can’t cure every ill of the world and we should stop trying to. Government spending (via stealing money from taxpayers) versus charitable giving are 2 very different things. We can be humane to others without charging the taxpayer for it and without giving up our own sovereignty. We just have to get our current govt. out of the way.

  26. Bubba, I agree completely with your analysis. In my case, these were people that needed rescued. Taken from their horrid conditions, detained, fed, cleansed and clothed and then deported back. NOBODY deserved what they were going through.
    Jesus said we will all be judged by our actions. He will ask me at judgement did I give him drink, feed the hungry, clothe the naked.
    I am ashamed I could not have done more for those people. NOBODY wanted them! I was one guy, where could I take them? They would not allow me the time or resources to find care for them. To this day I wonder what I might have done better.

  27. Afghanvet – I believe and hope that God judges us by what’s in our hearts. The Bible tells us that God is a “heart knower” and I believe that – He knows what we try to do even if we can’t always accomplish it. I also believe that human beings that we try to help have the capacity to understand our actions above our words / laws once they sort out things in their own minds and hearts. There is only so much that we can do as individuals for anyone and I surely hope and believe that God agrees with me.

    As individuals we never know what God’s plan for us or anyone else is, but I truly believe that God has a plan for us even if we don’t understand it at the time. All we can do is all that we can do in this life by trying to live by God’s Word even if we don’t see it as being “successful” in our own time.

    I think that your actions to help didn’t go unnoticed by God or the people that you tried to help in their time of need. I believe that we are living in the “end times” based on a number of things. There very well may have been nothing that you could have done better for these people all things considered.

    Your actions may have made these people look at you as one who actually tried to care for them as a representation of Christ (a witness for Christ as Christ cares for all of us) when it ended up that they had been betrayed by those that took their money from them making promises that they couldn’t / wouldn’t keep (as I believe Satan does in all our lives at times).

    God moves in mysterious ways – I think all that we can do is try to do what we believe is right based on His Word. YHVH will take care of the rest.

    Romans 4:3 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

    I thought this was a pretty enlightening Bible study on how Abraham’s faith was imputed to his as righteousness by
    God and how it applies to us today.

  28. Thank you for the article. I am Catholic, so I believe a little different. Here’s Matt: 25

    “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35‘For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37“Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38‘And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39‘When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

    41“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44“Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?’ 45“Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46“These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

    Faith and act will matter. Take Jesus over Paul every time
    v/r kh

  29. I recall exactly the date when I was advised that INS would no longer process and pay the cost of detaining the illegals arrested for minor crimes. Prior to that date detention pursuant to deportation was reimbursed by the fed.
    The general orders were revised to essentially ignore the immigration violation and de facto allow the current state to exist.
    Watch what your representatives do and say, this is not a game.

  30. Standing up for Truth, Justice, and the American Way carries a huge price. Be sure that you and your family are willing to pay that price before taking that stand.

    Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.

    Paul was decapitated and Peter was crucified upside down.

    Not implying that you should do something, anything, contrary to your beliefs – only that the advantage is commensurate with the price.

    Saints are rare – as are really good cops.

    izlamo delenda est …

  31. Thanks to everyone who responded. I appreciate the kind words, honest opinions and heartfelt advice.

    I do have a family and I am putting them first, before my own personal feelings. I have been quietly looking into other job prospects. I’m keeping my head down for now. It’s easier to look for a job when you still have a job.

    Moetom, I was not ignoring. I read each and every response when I got home from church. I work in a city that denies being a sanctuary city, but nonetheless the order I spoke of has been given.

    All Too Much got me thinking. As an officer, I do have to abide by case law, especially when it is decided by the supreme court. But I also have to balance it with what I believe biblically. Then I have to decide what’s best for my faith and for my family. Can I continue doing a job that has been corrupted? Should I?

    In the nearly 19 years that I have been a cop, numerous moral laws that were on the books and enforced have been eradicated. How long do I sit silently by as the decay continues? Do I step away and abandon the job? Do I stand against the decay and try to stem the tide?

    Sturgis correctly said that the Constitution does not grant rights. I agree. As Frederick Bastiot wrote long ago, life, liberty and property are God given rights. Governments are instituted among men to defend those God given rights. So the question then becomes, is illegally entering one country from another country a God given right? Can the federal government stop people from entering the United States illegally?

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