iOTWreport Reader Saddened By Glamour Magazine Naming Bruce Jenner Woman of the Year – IOTW Report

iOTWreport Reader Saddened By Glamour Magazine Naming Bruce Jenner Woman of the Year

Anyone with a working brain is saddened by this. But one reader is particularly down, because their mom was a Glamour cover model in 1947. What a slap in the face to have a man included in the archives and be named “woman” of the year.

Click more for the cover

The reader sent me a wedding photo of their parents, and, sure enough, that’s HER!

She’s a stunner. Bruce? Not so much. Unless you want to say he’s stunning when he pulls out Little Bruce. Many will certainly be stunned.unnamed-9

Bruce is not a woman.

Bruce cannot give birth to a child.

Bruce is not glamourous.

Bruce, as a woman, appeals to a tiny, tiny sliver of the human population – deviant, mentally ill, confused, perverted people.

Bruce claims he’s only attracted to women. Present Bruce with a woman just like him. If Bruce isn’t into men, he’ll find out just how much of a woman a woman is when “she” has a penis.

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36 Comments on iOTWreport Reader Saddened By Glamour Magazine Naming Bruce Jenner Woman of the Year

  1. Bruce claims he’s only attracted to women. Present Bruce with a woman just like him. If Bruce isn’t into men, he’ll find out just how much of a woman a woman is when “she” has a penis.

    You sir, are brilliant!

  2. Actually this shock value of awards from magazines started with Time’s person 1999+/man of the year given to “The Computer” in 82. It became a once-off that every now and then, they should place a shocker out there to drum up readership. Actually in 1938, Hitler was man of the year. And in 1932, a woman, Wallis Simpson, was man of the year. In 1942 Josef Stalin, in 1960 a big list of US Scientists, 1967 LBJ, 1969 The “Middle” Americans, In ’71 & ’72 Nixon was named along with in ’72 with Kissinger, ’74 was King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, ’75 was American women, ’79 was Ayatollah Khomeini, I don’t need to go further.

  3. Frankly, I find a knot in a redwood fence more glamorous than Jennerfer. What a freak. To all you who find this acceptable….I hope you walk in on your Mother doin the family dog. And don’t call me Frankly.

  4. I can’t remember the tee vee show, movie or whatever in which one of the characters deadpans, “‘X’, boy I don’t know.” But whenever I meet up with something like this Glamour mag thing, all I can say is, “A man as woman of the year? Boy, I don’t know.”

    One thing I do know is that for a guy who is just trying to be like all the other women, he sure is making a spectacle of himself. Kind of like he’s an oddity, right? Right? An oddity.

  5. Mine was a glamorous, dark-haired hottie whose face reminded people if Joan Crawford, Katharine Hepburn, and Liz Taylor. She was definitely cover girl material.

    I, of course, look like my father, who had a Karl Maldenish kind of face.

  6. Glamour is a package of advertisements. Bad ones, at that.

    Someone needs to put Bruce in a nuthouse and let him know that if you have a Y chromosome and the ‘stuff’ that goes with it, you can’t be a woman no matter how much you mutilate yourself.

  7. I’d appreciate it if BFH would stick and photos of this creature somewhere that requires a click to get to them—I’m fed up with this attention whore getting what IT wants.

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