Recovering Password With Tech Support – IOTW Report

Recovering Password With Tech Support

Bad Words Alert –

The funniest part is Vic spelling his name with his personal Military Alphabet Code. My BP goes up just watching him.

Drinking With Bob (wherever he is) should sit down and have Milk and Bread with Vic.

ht/ hd

24 Comments on Recovering Password With Tech Support

  1. Drinking with Bob (Thompson) is now an American History teacher in New York somewhere.
    This guy has my attitude about technology and trying to talk to someone about it! He is much more creative than me!

  2. Uh oh. You’re supposed to smile while talking to someone on the phone. Customer relations 101 fundamental principle. Vic wasn’t smiling. Talking to Bobby in Mumbai can force that on ya.

  3. I think I was separated at birth and this guy is my real twin brother.

    I fucking hate calling customer support and tech support.

    But if I get some robot voice-recognition system, I just make bizarre noises, pretending I’m a retard having a stroke. I usually get a live human from Kuala Lumpur on the line within 30 seconds. I pioneered this trick back when I had Metro Piece Of Shit cell service.

  4. DwBob’s relative, fer sure!
    I’ve given up on the anger on such idiots…
    …instead, when I get fraudulent sales calls
    about “your Microsoft software” or such from
    some Indian who says “this is Robert” (you know the rest)…
    I just respond,
    “I’m sorry, this is Sanjay from Delhi”
    and hang up.
    ONCE, some guy got so angry he called back (!)
    and asked why I am claiming to be Indian…heh.
    NAMASTE, y’all.

  5. Czar, you won’t believe it, but this has a 100% success rate of those guys hanging up on me. Once they start their Microsoft bs I tell them I don’t have much time, and I want to take care of this ASAP, wait right there, I’m going to run up stairs and get my credit card. They hang up immediately. I don’t know why, but they do.

  6. There are probably 10’s if not 100’s of things I continually procrastinate away because of the hassle of needing to relearn or hassle with logging in.

    For example, have you ever tried to sign up/register with what you think is a new site, yet your information already exists? Fuck that bullshit, I just wanted to buy something, I don’t have 25 minutes to fcuk around resetting my password. 25 minutes? Yeah, well I use 6 different email accounts depending upon my mood and trust of the entity I’m giving it to and invariably I also then need to request my user ID.

    Next it’s not so much technology as it is technical. I haven’t farted around with home electrical and plumbing since I finished my basement 12+ years ago. In my new home I need to modify a few things and relearning the different types of threads, breaker types, etc. is like watching CNN.

  7. I always say when I win the big lottery I’m going to charter a jet to Hawaii and renting a whole hotel floor.
    Leaving Friday afternoon.
    First 100 people that show with packed bags get to go. My treat.
    My one rule? No bitching. I don’t care if your omelette is runny. Warm beer. Whatever.
    Unless you’re a funny bitcher.
    This guy qualifies as a funny bitcher.
    He can go with us.

  8. I just called up a cell phone company to get an elderly person’s phone worked on. It went okay, but maybe in a few days when I don’t get what I’m supposed get in the mail, you may see me on the news. My fuse shorter lately. 🤬 I should really call customer service about that. lol

  9. I actually stopped using my Home Depot credit card and applied for a Lowe’s credit card after almost the exact same thing.

    1/2 hour? Pfft! I spent a lot more time dealing with those f**kwits. ONE guy – four people and an hour and a half later into talking to helpers who couldn’t help me – gave me what seemed to be real help.

    They were updating their online site completely and needed me to go through their hoops to keep paying online. He found that they had changed my login name completely. No wonder I couldn’t log in. Not even going to go into being forced to use Internet Explorer then because of their systems limits…

    What killed my usage of their credit card completely:
    Originally I had signed up at HD with my Comcast account email back in the old days. I stopped using whatever email my service providers gave for free, so very long ago, because I didn’t want to be married to them for reasons like this. That’s why I use hotmail accounts and have had the same ones since forever. They had my Comcast account as my contact account. No wonder I never got any notifications. Dummy me for not changing that a decade earlier.

    So he changed my login name back to what I had for 15 years. He also changed, supposedly, my contact email to the business one I created in 1998 and still use today.

    I was happy there was someone who could actually help. I made that month’s payment and went on with life.

    Next month – I couldn’t log in. What the ever lovin’…

    I tap the “Lost Password” button and it says a temp password has been sent to my defunct COMCAST account!!

    I was done with them at that point. I was not going to spend another second trying to straighten out a problem they caused and can’t fix quickly. CitiBank handled the cards and I hated CitiAnything anyway for how they were with my house loan all those years so I was fine with dumping them completely. I applied for the Lowe’s card and they sent me one with ten times the limit and I could use it like any other credit card for my business instead of being limited to the store like HD.

    The only contact with CitiBank after that was when I ran across a feedback page for HD about my online shopping experience. I let them know why stopped using their card and described my experience in dealing with their online “upgrade for my convenience”. Clueless bint sent a letter apologizing and still had no idea they were the problem by jacking up my account on their own.

    Too late. AMEX or CapitalOne gets all the percentages off the top now. And I’m glad for it. I still buy at HD, but I cut CitiBank out of the picture completely. F**kers.

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