Red Bull Seeks To Launch A Breitbart-Like News Site – IOTW Report

Red Bull Seeks To Launch A Breitbart-Like News Site

Just call it Red Bull!!!



CEO Dietrich Mateschitz has announced an new independent venture: a right-wing news organization that is being compared to Breitbart.

In an interview with Austrian newspaper Kleine Zeitung on April 8, Mateschitz was critical of Germany and Austria’s lenient policies on refugees, rallied against “intellectual elites” and political correctness, and expressed his support for Trump. He also announced plans for his new media platform Näher an die Wahrheit, which translates to Closer to the Truth. Mateschitz described the venture as a “research platform” and said it would operate independently of Red Bull.


9 Comments on Red Bull Seeks To Launch A Breitbart-Like News Site

  1. I read Dietrich Mateschitz’s rant on how PC was killing Europe the other day. The guys pretty conservative. If Europe decided to boycott him my kids would keep him in business by them selves.

  2. larryw – I agree. I’ll support this guy and his product. Hell, just sponsoring that aerospace parachute jump alone is reason enough to support him.

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