Redford “Glad” Trump Is Running – IOTW Report

Redford “Glad” Trump Is Running

Donald Trump didn’t even need to solicit the kind words from Robert Redford.


He simply opened his know-it-all leftist mouth and out poured all that was needed to make the perfect Twitter ad for The Donald.


17 Comments on Redford “Glad” Trump Is Running

  1. Robert Redford was in The Way We Were with Barbara Streisand back in the 70’s. It was the biggest piece of leftwing propaganda crap that ever was in a movie. I hated that movie. He’s nothing but a left wing hack and always has been. As the bad guy in the latest Capt. America movie I loved seeing him get his ass kicked by the good guys.

  2. I too hate that movie with a passion. Great title song though.

    Progressivism is hard on the soul and the looks. Every time I see his old weathered leather face I want to offer him a bottle of neatsfoot after I pop him upside his big head.

  3. Megan Kelly just gleefully reported, on FOX, quoting Rolling Stone Ragazine, that Trump insulted Carly Fiorina : Look at that face, I mean, (I’m paraphrasing) who’d vote for that?
    She then interviewed Carly and repeated it.
    If Trump said that, and I’m hoping he did not, I finished with him.
    He must not want the job and is just jerking us off. I’ll wait for an explanation as I know longer trust Kelly or rolling Stone. If it proves to be true, Thrump’s fucked; if it proves to be false, Kelly’s
    double fucked.

  4. Pretty certain Trump does his own photochops too.

    Of all the candidates, he’s the only one I actually believe is behind the keyboard. He might have some help, but he’s the one punching the keys.

  5. Ya ever seen Redford up close?

    He’s a four foot tall toad with lumpy skin and the same hair as Trump.

    He has the same complexion as Manuel Noriega with a WASPY coloring.

    He’s a douche’s douche, old Bob is. A fucktard of the highest order.

    He deserved Barbra Sterisand, truth be told.

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