‘Refugee’ crime: Canadian politicians look the other way – IOTW Report

‘Refugee’ crime: Canadian politicians look the other way

CFP: On April 21, residents of Windsor, Ontario, will participate in a cleanup of the Ganatchio Trail, a volunteer event to recall Anne Widholm. As the Windsor Star reports, she is the 75-year-old victim of “a vicious, unprovoked assault on the trail last October.” Anne Widholm used to walk the trail and pick up trash, but the vicious, unprovoked assault calls for more than a cleanup day.

The Star report does not mention the man who attacked the 75-year-old woman. That would be Habibullah Ahmad, 21, a “Windsor man,” who also calls himself “Daniel.” Ahmad inflicted “the worst skull fractures I’ve seen in my 12 years here in Windsor,” as neurosurgeon Dr. Balraj Jhawar told reporters. The victim’s lacerated scalp, bruised face and fractured neck vertebrae were “among the most brutal things I’ve seen in my career.”

Dr. Jhawar was uncertain whether Widholm would pull through, but in late October, 2017, Anne was upgraded from critical to serious condition. The next month, her husband Alfred passed away, piling more grief on the woman, who is now in hospital in a comatose state.

So Anne’s fate remains uncertain, and after they clean up the trail on her behalf, Windsorites should demand that the police clear up more than a few lingering issues.

Habibullah Ahmad is 21, which makes him an adult. Why did police not release Ahmad’s booking photo? Has Habibullah Ahmad attacked other women? Or was his brutal attack on Anne Widholm his first brush with the law?  more here

4 Comments on ‘Refugee’ crime: Canadian politicians look the other way

  1. Women wandering in the woods when
    goblins are about are lost to reality.
    Situational Awareness grade “0”
    guarantees a sad and useless ending.
    If I were female and had to go anywhere that I “may” be at risk
    I would always be ready to “bust some caps” when the 2 or 4 legged animals
    appeared to have a nibble.

  2. It seems the liberal’s answer to real problems are either swept under the rug or handled in a hap-hazard manner with “Oh well, we tried.”
    But omitting the attacker’s name is a serious attempt at cover-up.


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