Reid’s OK with his tactics because, ‘Romney didn’t win, did he?’ – IOTW Report

Reid’s OK with his tactics because, ‘Romney didn’t win, did he?’

“So no regrets about Mitt Romney, about the Koch Brothers?” Bash asked. “Some people have even called it McCarthyite.”

Reid sighed and answered.11

Well, they can call it whatever they want. Um. Romney didn’t win, did he?

earl of taint
earl of taint

CANADA FREE PRESS- If you want to claim, completely without evidence, that Harry Reid was severely beaten by a Vegas gangster named Vinnie “the exercise machine” Stompanato, you are now free to do so.  No, there’s no evidence that such a thing happened, but those eye injuries came from somewhere, and he hasn’t proven that he wasn’t beaten, has he?

If you’re the kind of person who likes to make such scurrilous allegations, go for it. This sort of implication is now an officially approved and endorsed Harry Reid political tactic.

While being interviewed by CNN’s Dana Bash, Reid was reminded of that unfortunate time he falsely accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes. You remember. He later claimed he had “anonymous sources” that told him all about it.


7 Comments on Reid’s OK with his tactics because, ‘Romney didn’t win, did he?’

  1. HEY!!
    This crap habit everybody has of throwing the term “McCarthyite or McCarthyism” as if it’s some clever accusation of resembling a horrid criminal or witch hunting political-hack madman needs to be crushed! If we had a Congress full of McCarthys, or even just a couple, this country would be so much better off and the world would be a much better, safer, and freer place!!! Joe McCarthy, like Joe Wilson, was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!

  2. Paraphrasing: “Mitt Romney hasn’t paid his taxes in ten years– let HIM prove he has.” No, Harry, YOU made the accusation. Showing his knowledge of the most basic of basic law.
    Where did I hear his workout equipment was named Guido?

  3. While Reid would be serving time in the psycho ward jail in any sane world, I’d love to see Romney just walk up to him and make his good eye match his black eye.

  4. Every man is offered redemption by Jesus Christ, the Word of God made Flesh, our Lord and Savior … but each man must want redemption and be truly sorry for his lies, deceits, transgressions of the law, worshiping money instead of the Lord, thefts, rapes, murders, corruptions, perversions, child molestations, and for being … well … Harry Reid … I almost hope he is too late in understanding where his fetid, sin-blackened, rotting, immortal soul is headed.

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