#ReleaseTheMemo Trending on Twitter – IOTW Report

#ReleaseTheMemo Trending on Twitter

This is big folks. The quotes from the Judiciary Committee indicate that there is jail time that will be coming down the pike, and all indications seem to point to Obama DOJ people, as well as the FBI.

The level of consternation does not seem overblown for the sake of partisan hyperbole. There are congressman who genuinely fear that there has been a constitutional crisis.

Breitbart –

Members of the House on Thursday said they viewed a “shocking” classified memo allegedly detailing abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by senior Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigations officials in relation to the investigation of the Trump campaign and called for it to be declassified and available to the public immediately.

“It’s troubling. It is shocking,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) told Fox News. “Part of me wishes that I didn’t read it because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much.”

“The facts contained in this memo are jaw-dropping and demand full transparency. There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy,” saidRep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a member of the Judiciary Committee, which oversees the DOJ and the FBI.

Another Judiciary Committee member, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), called what he saw in the memo “sickening” and said it was “worse than Watergate.”


33 Comments on #ReleaseTheMemo Trending on Twitter

  1. I’m sure the memo has some nasty shit in it, the kind of thing that any observant person could see was going on all along. But, as far as jail time goes, I’ll believe it when I see it. It’s been so goddamn long since a high ranking democrat or RINO cuntbag has been held accountable for a crime everyone knew they committed that I think the last one was that asshole governor from Illinois. No, not that one, the one with the stupid hair. No, not that one, he was a Congressman.

  2. “There are congressman who genuinely fear that there has been a constitutional crisis.” says the same A$$WIPES who allowed it happen from at least 1900 to 2017. I’m not normally a vindictive sort, but I wouldn’t mind seeing gallows on the Congressional Lawn being put to use 24/7 for congresscritters, their aides, lobbyists, MSM talkers, the king and queer(n) and everybody else involved with this takeover of our Country.

    Put it on pay-per-view, pay down the debt. Oh, and charge attendees an extra quarter for peeing on their graves.

  3. I don’t know what democracy Rep. Matt Gaetz wants to preserve but I wish he and all the rest would do their duty to preserve our Republic.

    I will believe this memo is damaging and will send people to jail when it results in culpable people actually going to jail. (not holding my breath).

  4. Apparently Rep. Gaetz said Rosenstein belongs in jail on Hannity today.

    Distilled to its essence-

    Abuse of the FISA courts to ratfuck Trump, all in concert with the leftist DOJ and FBI. When blocked by FISA, people used other people’s security clearances to continue the oppo research (Ohr) all to aid a candidate to win an election.

  5. “There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy”

    The FISA Court. The NSA repository. The PATRIOT Act (II, III, Fore, The Redux, A Star Wars Story, &c).

    And this “memo” is going to be America’s Marcos Moment?

  6. They are not blocking the release of the memo.
    It requires a committee vote.

    We’ll be seeing it by next week, I’m sure.
    In the meantime, there will be some Arkancide activity over the weekend.

  7. I hope Devin Nunes has increased his security detail.

    I have lefty friends who won’t believe anything that is revealed in the memo. CNN could cry and wail, Jimmy Kimmel could host a whole show apologizing to DJT and his voters…any possible scenario they won’t accept it just like they haven’t accepted the election results.

    Meanwhile I think the Women’s March is coming up…I’ll giggle if those idiots are out protesting oppress the day the memo is released.

  8. I haven’t tweeted since last April but I retweeted Mark Meadows tweet with the #ReleaseTheMemo in hopes my liberal BFF will look beyond #VoteBlue and develop curiosity instead of a hive mind.

  9. What the rest of us have known for many months is finally apparent and confirmed by someone who has taken this investigation seriously. But all the various pieces placed together will be surprising and will probably only make sense in hindsight. The main thing to keep in mind is that no one on the Left believed any of this would see the light of day because of the absolute, 125% certainty that Killery would be president. Given that scenario is it now easy to understand the freak-out we’ve been witnessing since 11/8/16? No other president has fought off as much hostility from all quarters as POTUS Trump. Why is that? It is way more than the loss of power, money and influence. The entire Leftist platform is about to get a makeover — in jailhouse jewelry and jumpsuit orange.

  10. To Anonymous at 1:48

    I began looking into corrupt gov’t, Bilderberg, Rothschilds, Illuminati back in high school in the 70’s.(surprised no one locked me up back then) Managed to convince a few people there was a dark underground operating within our government. Got to admit, research became easier with computers.
    So in answer to your question, myself and those I managed to enlighten, and believe me there are many other people out there who knew but had no way to fight, only prepare. Look at how Bilderberg conferences are protested around the globe for the last number of years and other signs that the people are ready for the tumult yet to come.

    It took someone like a Donald J. Trump to come along and expose it all for the world to open it’s eyes. Let’s start the Rodeo and see what happens.

  11. To Anonymous at 1:48

    I began looking into corrupt gov’t, Bi1der berg, R0th $childs, Illum in@ti back in high school in the 70’s.(surprised no one locked me up back then) Managed to convince a few people there was a dark underground operating within our government. Got to admit, research became easier with computers.
    So in answer to your question, myself and those I managed to enlighten, and believe me there are many other people out there who knew but had no way to fight, only prepare. Look at how Bilderberg conferences are protested around the globe for the last number of years and other signs that the people are ready for the tumult yet to come.

    It took someone like a Donald J. Trump to come along and expose it all for the world to open it’s eyes. Let’s start the Rodeo and see what happens.

    They would not post my response again so I had to go back and alter the proper nouns above. This also happened on American Thinker before. I think they are readable.

  12. Remember way back in the spring of last year? Evelyn Farkas?


    Then there was Crazy Maxine way back in the spring of ’13 telling everyone that obama has this really big database on everyone, so even if his term ends it’s not really ending, ya know?

    Emails set up on home brew servers, laptops, telephones. Just about anything of any importance at the State department exists in electronic form outside the confines of any government IT system. What’s to say that isn’t the case for the other sensitive parts of our national security, like the FBI, DoJ, NSA? An entire exoskeleton outside and beyond the oversight of anyone.

  13. @JB Books January 19, 2018 at 2:57 am

    Oh, I don’t disagree that there would be enough hands willing to make light of the work. I disagree with the set-up of the trick shot. If everybody involved were to meet an equitable fate for their participation, their would be no “duly authorized” hand (singular) to pull the levers. Nor would there be anyone to accept the payments toward the national debt, let alone receive the recirculated funds. I suppose it would need to be asked “Is there even a national debt?” when there is no, nor anyone interested in becoming, the “new boss, same as the old boss.” One can only “clean house” when one insists the super-majority of the plague still needs a nice palace to occupy, when you’re “through.”

  14. I have a feeling that A. It will never be released. and B. Nothing will change. Because the mire in the big swamp has solidified into reinforced concrete. Hope is not a plan…

  15. @AbigailAdams January 19, 2018 at 3:28 am

    > What’s to say that isn’t the case for the other sensitive parts of our national security, like the FBI, DoJ, NSA? An entire exoskeleton outside and beyond the oversight of anyone.

    That couldn’t happen. Copies are only useful if they are copied again. If everybody was sending snippets from improper sources, and being replied to at those improper sources, then everybody would know. Everybody would be guilty. Everybody would be conspiring in the cover up. It’s not like staffers, department heads, even The President of The United States and The Secretary of State would be willing to back and forth on illegal communications, and not report each other. What? Oh. Never mind.

  16. This calls for an immediate discussion!
    There’ll have to be an investigation into the effects of releasing the memo. That’ll take about 25 years to complete.
    Meanwhile, the MSM will release (publish) parts that paint Trump in a questioning way sometime this weekend.

  17. Releasing it to the public isn’t required
    for indictments and prosecution to take place, right?
    I mean, laws were broken and it’s their job, not mine, to discover
    it and take the necessary steps toward prosecution.

    Releasing it only means they will be able to appear on
    news shows and talk about it freely. Other than this, are
    they thinking that, once it’s released, an outraged public
    will get things moving? We were outraged for 8 years, when
    Blackie Lawless opened up our country to its enemies,
    used the IRS against us to interfere in an election,
    lied about Benghazi, politicized law enforcement, weaponized
    all government agencies against us, etc. We’re still outraged.

    A fucking junior high Criminal Justice class could have successfully
    prosecuted a case against Team Obama and Team Hillary at this point.

    What am I missing here?

  18. Government shutdown is all the radio news is talking about. I think that is why the document dump was made yesterday. Meanwhile Drudge ignores the story. Release those documents!

  19. BFF just tweeted a pic of a MAGA hat covered in tin foil. Like I said, no matter what the memo says, no amount of evidence will change some people’s minds about RussiaRussiaRussia.

  20. @Illustr8r January 19, 2018 at 10:49 am

    Oh, it’s not about RussiaRussiaRussia — nor any of the other excuses. It’s about themselves. I mean, “If anointing The First Black President, was always a horrible idea, because he was always a gangster.” — not because he was black; “If anointing The First Woman President, was always a horrible idea, because she was always a gangster.” — not because she was a woman; that proves something about the people who agreed with the GoodThink stories. Makes it irrefutable, after the gangsterism comes out again, and again, and again. Who are you gonna’ believe? The GoodThink commissar that promises you stuff; Good stuff; someday. Or your own lying eyes? Really, really lying.

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