Releasing Prisoners Is Good For the Economy – Barack Obongo – IOTW Report

Releasing Prisoners Is Good For the Economy – Barack Obongo

Wash Exam-

Keeping 2.2 million Americans in prison is hurting the economy, President Obama said Saturday in his weekly address, describing a report that outlines those arguments.

Yes. We need people who rob and steal in order to do drugs back into society. It’s good. It’s a good thing.

The move is part of a federal effort to rally support for an effort by the Obama Administration to reduce the number of people in prison and to help them once they are released. The administration will announce the steps next week during what has been dubbed“National Reentry Week,” from April 24-28.

“This isn’t just about what makes economic and practical sense. It’s about making sure that we live up to our ideals as a nation,” Obama said.

Yes. The ideal American is one that could find themselves behind bars due to “stupid laws.”

Among the new programs being rolled out, the Obama administration said one will include a plan tohelp individuals with criminal records compete for federal jobs. The White House said it will also double down on its call for businesses to show favor to the 600,000 people released from prison every year.


Yes. By all means, let’s load up federal jobs with even more criminals. And let’s urge businesses to jump to the head of the employment line. God knows they’ve earned it.

“Now, plenty of people should be behind bars. But the reason we have so many more people in prison than any other developed country is not because we have more criminals. It’s because we have criminal justice policies, including unfair sentencing laws, that need to be reformed,” Obama said.

Yes. We don’t have more criminals. We just have a higher standard of what would make a desirable citizen and have superior means of catching them. THAT’S the problem.

Yes. Yes We Can make America a sh!thole.



18 Comments on Releasing Prisoners Is Good For the Economy – Barack Obongo

  1. What alternative universe does this guy live in? I find it hard to believe that he really, deep down, believes this crap. Oh, right it’s Obama there are no real beliefs beyond “me and I.” There is a piece of me that believes that users should get longer sentences than dealers because, after all, they start the demand for the supply. Unfortunately life is not this simple and the human mind is very complex!

  2. This… from the Shitstain who jailed a videographer who contributed more to the country than any of those real criminals!
    pResident Bowlwinder is simply lining up his personal civilian national security force that’s “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the military” like any third-world Commie leader would do.

  3. This has always been the mantra of the ’60s radicals, like Ayres and his SDS friends. Van Jones said they were going to empty the prisons back in 2007.

  4. Hell, yes! Now we will have a further increase of ‘normal, non-criminal citizens buying guns, alarms, taking defense classes. All contribute to the economy. Not to mention more hospital, funeral home, anti-theft needs.

    Hey, I really think we need to add to the economy by lowering the age for gun purchases and everyone should automatically be allowed to carry! Hell, I know a few school age children who would love to use Michelle’s school lunches as target practice, because they sure aren’t food.

    We were warned that his lame duck
    year would be hell, we just didn’t expect the insanity of King George III. Actually, Odamna has notched it up quite a bit. It’s like, ‘Impeach me if you, the chicken shit senate, think you can!’

  5. Think of all the spin off employment in security guards, medical and funerary, police and firemen, insurance claims adjusters, the market in “secondary” goods, drug mules. The crime and obits pages alone may revive the dying newspaper industry.

  6. ” the Obama administration said one will include a plan to help individuals with criminal records compete for federal jobs.”

    Talk about a lateral move from one criminal enterprise to another. Where else are the Obamas gonna find a pre-trained cadre?

  7. Barry, is a despot leader of a socialist regime. He needs a corrupt populace willing and able to commit crimes in the name of the state without repercussions. It creates chaos and that’s the goal because a fractured society is easier to overthrow.

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