Remember And Honor – IOTW Report

Remember And Honor

The People’s Defender: Since many Memorial Day events have been cancelled for 2020, it is still important we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this great country we live in.  2020 is an important anniversary in the life of the United States, as it is the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.  U.S. Forces killed in action (KIA) in this war, in which the U.S. had the leading role, were 405,399.  This does not include those wounded or missing in action (MIA).  This is only second in KIA to the Civil War (600,000 plus KIA) in wars that have involved our country.

World War II had two endings; May 8, 1945 and Sept. 2, 1945.  V-E Day (Victory in Europe) took place on the May 8 date.  The cessation of hostilities in Europe was unofficially declared at 2:45 a.m. on May 7, 1945, with the official signing at 9:20 p.m. on May 8 at at Allied Supreme Headquarters in Reims, France.  The Allies accepted this end of hostilities in Europe from the successor to Hitler, Admiral and German President, Karl Donitz.  He had become Hitler’s successor, after Hitler’s (supposed) suicide on April 30, 1945.  U.S. KIA in the European Theater were 183, 588. MORE

11 Comments on Remember And Honor

  1. Honoring my wife’s dad who is a WW2 Veteran and still kicking at 94. We order his groceries and have them delivered to him because we can’t visit. We think he was a Paratrooper, but he has never talked about it.

  2. “U.S. Forces killed in action (KIA) in this war, in which the U.S. had the leading role, were 405,399.”

    I thought it was around 55,000.
    This number seems to include Wuhan Flu deaths.
    (meaning NO disrespect to those Americans who served)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. My dad’s oldest brother Ray was 99 and a half when he died 2 years ago. He was a Navy vet of World War 2 and Korea. He also went on to be the highest rated civilian employee in charge of the Bremerton Naval shipyard. My dad’s other older brother Ross was a paratrooper and a sniper (he was an excellent rifleman since he grew up hunting in the woods of N. Idaho) at the end of WW 2, he didn’t go to Europe but he did occupation duty in Japan after the war. And my dad was in the Air Force (1947-1950) after WW 2 serving in Germany as a Sgt. in a radio communications outfit and was in Berlin during the Berlin Airlift in 1948. And I was the only one of my 3 other brothers who served in the Navy from 1972-75, the Vietnam War had ended before they turned 19 and they didn’t have to serve like I did. There are so many others I could name Civil War veterans on both sides and a young distant relative who was at Lexington at the beginning of the American Revolution in 1775 at the age of 19. Neither of my grandfathers served in WW1 since they were both farmers

  4. Don’t hold me to it, I’m old and of failing memory, but 55,000 is about the number for BOTH Vietnam and Korea – not combined – EACH.

    I could be wrong.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Battle of Long Island – August 27th, 1776 – 1st Maryland – an ‘elite’ unit at the time:

    400 man regiment
    100 men captured
    256 killed in action

    Do that math. And, it was probably 85 plus degrees that day…pure carnage.

    The location of their burial is still not known to this very day and those that survived more than likely died on the Prisoner Ships the British had in moored on the shores of Brooklyn:

    RIP Patriots…

    Col. Glover

  6. Remember all who served and shed blood for our Freedom! 🇺🇸
    Revolutionary War
    Civil War – My cousins served
    World Wars 1 and 2 – My cousin died at Normandy
    Korean War
    Vietnam War
    Desert Storm
    Iraq and Afghanistan
    Hope I didn’t miss anyone! 🇺🇸


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