Remember The Fallen – IOTW Report

Remember The Fallen

*Relax, guys. Joe just challenged the pavement to a push-up contest.
The Rageaholic has made some observations, and drops a few facts about President Ford.
*[Some Naughty language]

6 Comments on Remember The Fallen

  1. In the ’70s, Saturday Night Live Gerald Ford was portrayed as a stumbling, bumbling klutz to great “comedic” effect by Chevy Chase. Fast forward to now and apparently, the late night “comedians” can find no comedy fodder in a stumbling, incoherent, belligerent dementia patient occupying the white house.

  2. Knives are out at the WH for the impending civil war between the dark forces of countervailing evil coalitions.

    Nerosyphillis in an advanced state explains perfectly why we only see the Pedo in short bursts and why he only “works” half days for half a week every week.

    Dr Jill vs the Calamitous Jamadian while the Pedo sits in the corner with his sippy cup and shits his pants.

    Even with all his issues the dying maggot beelines to get hus Pedo on.

    The sick fucker is dying and the WH is in a panic.

    Die quicker fuck head.

  3. Lol! Clown World!
    As soon as I saw the picture that’s what I thought of!
    One fall was all it took for Ford.
    Pedo Joe has fallen down completely at least twice and stumbled more than once.


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