Remember This… – IOTW Report

Remember This…

16 Comments on Remember This…

  1. There are lefties / PETA people who are upset about the beagles but think his medical murder protocols and totalitarian lockdowns on humans were just fine. (To be clear, I’m pissed off about the beagles too.)

  2. @Jerry Manderin – We even had one way aisles in the grocery store for a while. If you went the wrong way the Karens would give you the stink eye.

  3. Ah, yes, I remember the one-way grocery aisles.

    Karen: You’re going the wrong way! Follow the arrows!
    Uncle: What? What arrows?
    Karen: (points to floor) THOSE arrows!
    Uncle: Oh. Follow those arrows? What for?
    Karen: So we keep our distance and so we don’t spread COVID!
    Uncle: What? That’s silly. How is that supposed to stop the spread?
    Karen: The govt, the CDC, Dr. Fauci all say it will stop the spread!
    Uncle: Ma’am, you have been gulled.
    Karen: What?
    Uncle: Ma’am, you have been gulled.
    Karen: What’s that mean?
    Uncle: Ma’am, you can be gulled only if you are gullible.

  4. I still remember from the covid years the Karen who berated a older man on a plane who did not have a mask on – because he was eating. She yelled at him a few times: PUT YOUR FUCKING MASK ON.

    The old guy said: But I’m eating.

    The Karen keeps yelling at him: PUT YOUR FUCKING MASK ON.

    The FAs got her to be quiet and go back to her seat, If I recall.

    That Karen Bitch deserved a bloody beatdown. It still pisses me off when I think about it.

  5. What Fauci should get is to be the love object of a very big and horny Great Dane.

    Fauci: Get off me, fuckin’ dog!

    Great Dane: Nope…I’m gonna hump your leg till you pop an main artery and bleed to death.

    Fauci: Why are you doing this…I never did anything to you.

    Great Dane: Yeah, well I’m doing something to you…ya little shrimp.

    Fauci: Get off of me…you’re hurting me.

    Great Dane: Heh! I’m doing this for all my Beagle Brothers you killed, so relax and try to enjoy your last moments.


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