Remember When You Were Assured Supporting LGBT Had Nothing to Do With Supporting Pedophilia or Indoctrination? Think Again – IOTW Report

Remember When You Were Assured Supporting LGBT Had Nothing to Do With Supporting Pedophilia or Indoctrination? Think Again

The video of the mom talking about her kids learning about anal sex at a Fairfax County Virginia school board meeting went viral. One would assume that the board was embarrassed by the slip-up, heard the parents, and corrected the problem.


The parents are the problem according to the board.

Let’s take a deeper look into what she was complaining about, and what the board is advocating.

I will only link this one, it is that bad.

18 Comments on Remember When You Were Assured Supporting LGBT Had Nothing to Do With Supporting Pedophilia or Indoctrination? Think Again

  1. The typical administrator/bureaucrat/executive only cares who is perceived to have more power. They have no sense of right and wrong. If kiddie raping faggot pieces of shit are all that stands between them and a bigger budget, then they’ll totally embrace it and hire said degenerates to set up the new regime.

  2. Everyone knows the only way for queers to propagate is by recruitment.
    Government schools are recruitment camps.
    For this and other evil things.
    There’s only one way back to a safe & sane society, and that ain’t pretty either.

  3. I remember when the gay movement said “It’s not as if we want to get married.”

    It is going to come back to bite them when people realize that everything the LQBTQIDGAF community said they weren’t trying to do, they come back and try and do.

  4. I didn’t think I could be shocked anymore, that shocked me. That is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen or listened to. That one board member saying there are children in there, for one I didn’t see any children, for two you sick, evil people are providing it to children and then she said, HS. Yeah, they’re still minors.


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