Renaming a highway in Virginia – IOTW Report

Renaming a highway in Virginia

In September 2016, the Alexandria City Council voted unanimously to begin the process of renaming Jefferson Davis Highway in Alexandria.  The Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Renaming Jefferson Davis Highway is soliciting public feedback on potential new names, and will make a recommendation to the City Manager in October 2017.

For more information, visit

Please use the form on the next page to submit specific suggestions for names. You may also provide comments to explain why a suggested name would be appropriate.  Comments on other topics will not be reviewed.


They want suggestions.

So, whatya got?

ht/ sadie

60 Comments on Renaming a highway in Virginia

  1. Ya know…..I saw Diogenes sainted eyes and me loins tingled until I realized that Cardigan was phony too….How do you phony fu87cks keep the scorecard clean?….for gods sake, I just watched a full North American solar eclipse and Andrew Jackson wanted to get neeked, however I was able to talk some sense into his wife, who didn’t really want to get nekked…..she does raise chickens and sells eggs….Hell, she’s more then pretty, blond and of Dutch heritage…….See what I mean with your intwerwebs bullshit?…..My Rescued healer dog would still like to smooch on Diogenes eyebrows…..HOW DO YOU TRUST THAT?….Tex is forlorn, sad even, thinking’ about licorice candy and being swatted softly…..

  2. everything I just typed is true….events, people, dog, eyebrow…..and I don’t believe that you can claim the same truth….not pointed at anyone…it’s my weakness because I’m just an average guy….

  3. I submitted 3 names – Donald J Trump Highway, President Trump Highway and Abu Ivanka Highway. I think they are all lovely names and the last one is at least multiculturally inspired.

  4. Nobody exists…therefore we aren’t….I’m fine at home and have never even thought about having sex with my goats… issue is that nobody here might actually exist as a human being….I do….

  5. So far….
    Deray McKessson Drive
    Al Sharpton Avenue
    Robert E Lee Road
    Allen West Avenue
    Robert Mugabe Avenue
    Donald Trump Drive

    I can vote on this one and above are some good ideas. 1984 is good, so is George Jefferson

  6. Coward Causeway
    Submission Highway
    Soros Transportation System

    Doing what Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Meade, etc. couldn’t do, destroying the Heart of Dixie by destroying history.
    Shame on Virginia for the dishonor to the memory of their great National leaders, great Generals and the tens thousands who died in the cause of state’s rights.

    We are now living in the shadows of the result, Big, all Powerful, unyielding, bloated, indebted, arrogant Federal Government that no longer listens to the states or its citizens, they dictate, the states and people submit through force and fear.

  7. Adolf Schicklegruber Brown Shirt Way!
    Joseph Stalin Gulug Way!
    Pol Pot Extermination Way!
    Mao Tse Tung Red Book Way!
    Ghengis Khan Horde Way!
    Hillary Clinton Thighway!

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