Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) files lawsuit against Vice President Pence – IOTW Report

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) files lawsuit against Vice President Pence

Geller Report:

When will one of the hundreds of Trump judicial appointees pay off?

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) filed a lawsuit against Vice President Mike Pence in a bid to overturn the presidential election results, asking a court to give Pence “exclusive authority” to decide which Electoral College votes should be counted.

According to the lawsuit (pdf), Pence has a role in the upcoming Jan. 6, 2021, joint session of Congress to count all 50 states’ Electoral College votes. Gohmert’s lawsuit, which was filed against Pence in his capacity as vice president, is asking a federal judge to strike down the 1887 Electoral Count Act and to grant Pence the authority to overturn the election results in favor of President Donald Trump.

Gohmert’s lawsuit is claiming that any action taken by Pence on Jan. 6 to certify the Electoral College results to secure a win for Joe Biden will be fraudulent. Gohmert is also asking Judge Jeremy Kernodle, a Trump appointee, to determine that Pence is authorized to pick GOP electors who cast votes for Trump during the Joint Session of Congress.


See Also:

Rep. Gohmert Issues Statement on Pence Lawsuit

Washington, December 28, 2020

Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement regarding the lawsuit filed against the Vice President:

“The 2020 presidential election was one we’d expect to see in a banana republic, not the United States of America. In fact, the rampant fraud and unconstitutional actions that took place were so egregious that seven contested states– Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin all sent dueling slates of electors to Congress. This puts Vice President Mike Pence in a position where some argue he has to choose between morality and the law. That is not the case.

“It is also critical to note that as many formerly in the mainstream media, now the Alt-Left media, continue to say that every court has said there is no evidence of fraud.  That is disingenuous, deceitful, and flat out dishonest. The truth is that no court so far has had the morality and courage to allow evidence of fraud to be introduced in front of it.

“We continue to hold out hope that there is a federal judge who understands that the fraud that stole this election will mean the end of our republic, and this suit would insure that the Vice-President will only accept electors legitimately and legally elected. There must be an opportunity for a day in court when fraud was this prevalent.

“It is for this reason that I and other plaintiffs have filed a complaint for expedited declaratory and emergency injunctive relief to seek judgement from the court on the Vice President’s authority when presiding over the Senate during the Joint Session of Congress. We are asking the court to uphold the powers laid out in the United States Constitution which grant the Vice President the exclusive authority and sole discretion in determining which electoral votes to count. As outlined in the filing, the Electoral Count Act is unconstitutional because it directs Vice President Pence to legitimize electoral votes in violation of the Electors Clause and limits or eliminates his Twelfth Amendment authority to determine which slates of electors should be counted and which, if any, may not be counted.  This is fundamental because no statute can constitutionally supply rules to the extent that such statute violates the U.S. Constitution. 

Thanks to spineless politicians, corrupt state officials and a coordinated effort to undermine the will of the American people in favor of business as usual in the D.C. swamp, we now find ourselves in a place where a stolen election becomes just another one of the miscarriages of justice this town refuses to remedy.  The D.C. elites want to sweep these electoral injustices under the rug, just as they have done with countless other scandals such as the Russia-collusion hoax, the Biden-Ukrainian quid-pro quo, and Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information, to mention only a few. For the sake of the future of our Republic, come January 6th, Vice President Pence must be authorized to uphold the legal votes of millions of Americans and preserve our nation’s great experiment in self-governance.”

13 Comments on Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) files lawsuit against Vice President Pence

  1. Sorry to say, but dumb move, Louis. If the EC votes in Biden, Pence must announce that fact. He has no power to overrule the EC, even if he believes the election is not legit. The VP is not the Executive of the EC, he is the officer presiding who announces the result.

    It is not a matter of balls. The VP does not have the power to override the EC.

  2. (Law clerk comes out briefly and draws breath, then…)

    lack of standingYou filed too earlyYou filed too lateYou can’t prove you were harmed without a trial, and you can’t have a trial unless you prove you were harmedYou have no right to tell another state what to doYour lawsuit is racistYouTube says there’s no such thing as voter fraudThe courts can’t intervene in state electionYou didn’t dot your “i” on page 236 of your pleading, so we’re throwing it out.”

    (Then, ironically…)
    God save this honorable Court.

  3. “We continue to hold out hope that there is a federal judge who understands that the fraud that stole this election will mean the end of our republic,…”
    Wrong, sir. It’s only the endo of our republic if we, The People, allow it.

  4. MJA
    DECEMBER 29, 2020 AT 12:15 PM
    “…Keep track of the names. Certain people will have to be killed and their heads buried separately…”

    …time was that, after a witch was executed, they would cut her apart and bury the parts as far from each other as possible, on the assumption that her evil was so extreme she could eventually pull them back together again and restart the evil, and by so doing they bought more time.

    …and looking at Hillary and Pelosi,, I’m not sure there isn’t some TRUTH to it…


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