Rep. Peter King: Ignore DOJ, release the memo! – IOTW Report

Rep. Peter King: Ignore DOJ, release the memo!


Rep. King reacts after DOJ urges against release of memo New York Congressman Peter King provides insight on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’

13 Comments on Rep. Peter King: Ignore DOJ, release the memo!

  1. My favorite saying “Your actions speak so loud that I can’t hear a word you are saying”

    If the kings of the swamp people squeals like a stuck pig at the very idea of an action, then we should pursue that action with all haste and due diligence.

    The art of war says that if you find something that irritates your enemy, then do it, by the truck load. The swamp declared war against the American people when they decided that they should select our President. Anyone willing to weaponize the DOJ and CIA and IRS against their political opponents are the exact kind of traitors that should be exposed and tried before the American people, ALL of their crimes (even if it means implicating those who are simply guilty of failure to report crimes that they should have known were being committed. And ALL persons (no matter which party or how untouchable the swamp thinks they are) upon being found guilty of using the might of the Federal government against their fellow Americans should be publicly hanged and their bodies shall remain in the public square and allowed to rot and decay.

    Beware, the swamp is not defenseless and will use every means at their disposal to protect their privilege, their power (and in the end) their lives.

    MSG Grumpy

  2. Is no one else struck by the boldness of having Clinton read a quote about poisoning Trump during The Grammys?

    I know no one watched it. But given the Clinton history of murdering people who stood in their way or crossed them, it seemed unusually bold to quasi admit it.

  3. The usual RINO’s (including our Sen Collins – sorry about that) are pushing to include an amendment in the budget protecting Mueller from being fired.
    I sent her a message asking her why she wants to treat him like a terrible union teacher who is impossible to fire.
    Rosenstein probably doesn’t want the memo to be released because he and his friends are implicated.
    Well, duh.
    Why else would he want it kept secret?

  4. The House Intelligence Committee votes to release it today at 5pm.
    How many seconds after that does the White House put it online?
    At latest *LIVE* at the State of the Union.

    (I want Ginsburg’s seat SO bad…!)

  5. @MSG Grumpy January 29, 2018 at 7:37 am

    > And ALL persons (no matter which party or how untouchable the swamp thinks they are) upon being found guilty of using the might of the Federal government against their fellow Americans should be publicly hanged and their bodies shall remain in the public square and allowed to rot and decay.

    So theatrical. So ghey.

    SSA has the complete list. SSA has “published” (well, they’ll claim they’ve “lost control of copies of”) the complete list. The German progs were able to build “self fueling” crematoria before Hillary was a drunken prank. There’s no way Old™ Americans can’t do this job, saving the planet… again… quickly, efficiently, and in an eco-friendly, low carbon footprint, way. (Without the transsexual Transylvanian floor show. Tragic. I know.)

  6. Typically, I ignore Peter King.

    Send everything to a legally impaneled grand-jury.

    When was the last time a special prosecutor, congressional or senate committee actually succeeded in a criminal prosecution that resulted in incarceration?

  7. @cato January 29, 2018 at 10:20 am

    > When was the last time a special prosecutor, congressional or senate committee actually succeeded in a criminal prosecution that resulted in incarceration?

    When was the last time anyone walked into a Toyota dealership, signed the paperwork for a Prius, and walked out with a surgically complete sex change?

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