Rep. Rohrabacher Shouldn’t Improvise Answers – Stick To a Script, Bud – IOTW Report

Rep. Rohrabacher Shouldn’t Improvise Answers – Stick To a Script, Bud

This story is double-edged.

Firstly we have a republican representative that gives a truly bizarre answer to a benign question.


Rohrabacher was being interviewed by Voice of America China and asked if he’d like to give the Chinese listeners a Chinese New Years wish. Here is his odd answer:

“Well, let me just note, coming in is the Year of the Dog. Now, there are some people in the United States who don’t like it that Chinese people eat dog. And I want them, the Chinese people, to know, that we eat bunnies over here, and we eat all kinds of little animals. I don’t blame them for eating dog. I mean, if that’s what tastes good, that’s what tastes good,” said Rohrabacher.

Or he could have just said “Happy New Year!”

But this is not the stupidest part of the story-

Rohrabacher’s statement was certainly bizarre but Mediaite claims it’s racist, saying he made a, “stereotype of Chinese people eating dogs.”


Uhhhh. Chinese people do eat dogs. It’s a sad fact.

8 Comments on Rep. Rohrabacher Shouldn’t Improvise Answers – Stick To a Script, Bud

  1. They not only eat dog but they seem to crave dining on every animal on the endangered species list. The more endangered the animal is the more they desire making it a snack.
    With the economic explosion the newly wealthy Chinese are scouring the earth plundering every continent for resources which includes items to eat.
    They are not unlike locusts.

    I like Rohrabacher generally but that was a stupid comment.

  2. The Chinese themselves will tell you: “We eat everything with four legs, except tables, and everything that flies, except airplanes.”

    I’ve been to the Quing Ping Market in Guanzhou. It’s true. I stopped my video camera at times because of it. You’d think American commies would know their brethren better.

    Still, it was a very strange answer. How about: “I’m very disappointed the Chinese trade representatives have not yet agreed to stop stealing American IA and forcing companies to sign over their companies to them in order to build factories there. When I get to Washington, I’ll do whatever I can to help our president stop these practices by our trading partners and with the successful implementation of the peoples’ MAGA agenda.”

  3. Rohrabacher is a rare bird (hah). He’s consistent in calling out Islam as relates to terrorism, supports Assange, and pro mending US/Russia relationship. I doubt this foot in mouth opportunity the media’s salivating over will invoke a response from him much less an apology.


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