Rep. Steve King: ‘We Can Build a Wall Cheaper Than We Can Build an Interstate’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Steve King: ‘We Can Build a Wall Cheaper Than We Can Build an Interstate’

( – Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said he’s confident that President Trump will get the $1.6 billion he has requested to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.


“This is a mandate that came from the American people. The mandate says build the wall. The president said he is going to build the wall,” King told Fox News’s Tucker Carlson on Wednesday.

We build interstate highways across expensive Iowa cornfields for $4 million a mile that pays for real estate and everything. We can build a wall cheaper than we can build an interstate. And we need to do it, and it will pay for itself, I believe, before we can even get it completed.

And especially because in the end, if we do a good job on this wall, we are going to need not more boots on the ground to enforce it, but less boots on the ground because there will be few people that try and fewer places where they can get in. This makes complete sense to me, Tucker. And I hope we have a strong national debate over it.

President Trump said on Monday that he intends to build his wall, even if it means shutting down the government:  More

21 Comments on Rep. Steve King: ‘We Can Build a Wall Cheaper Than We Can Build an Interstate’

  1. Build the Make America Great Again Wall and watch how effective it is at stopping the flood of illegal immigrant aliens. If it doesn’t get built, sometime in the future another open borders advocate will be looking to buy Hispanic votes and the flood will resume. And end birthright citizenship while the Great Wall of American Sovereignty is being constructed on our border with the Third World.

  2. Marco, Busy week coming up. It’s important for you to know, Crusbots are the last people I want on my side. Nothing like getting shot in the back. There is a war coming. I’ll consider you an enemy.

  3. B_B, Quote one of those hateful comments back to me. I don’t hate Trump, but neither do I believe that he can be successful if he runs his Presidency like he did his three Atlantic City casinos. The stakes are too high for Trump to be a failure.

  4. Marco, you just said it all. And again I have the right to determine who I fight the battle with. Go home and watch Ted Cruz campaign reruns. We are not on the same side. here’s hoping Stupid Mex gets caught in the cross fire.

  5. “B_B, Blind obedience in the defense of stupidity must be a virtue on your side.”

    And still I would ever trust your dumb ass or trust you with a firearm behind me. You’ve declared your allegiance. I’ll go with DJT.

  6. “And I wouldn’t want you teaching remedial English to the children in your community.”

    Well there you go, Ive been told off. However the dumb ass probably would want me to teach remedial how to run a gun. I’m pretty good at it. Fuck off Marco.

  7. Marco
    Look, no argument. From my perspective based on what you’ve posted here you are not somebody that share my value system. Don’t trust you. You have your own agenda and it’s not mine. Therefore you are not welcome on my team. I have that right, don’t I?

  8. Few people explode liberal heads as does Steve King. Steve is all in on the wall, is an unabashed supporter and protector of western civilization, and has been known to occasionally use the word ‘white.’

  9. When – not if – our Gummint begins building the Wall, I hope they consult former East German border guard civil engineers. Their Berlin Wall design was effective at keeping people IN. Turn it around, facing out, and it will do an effective job at keeping illegal immigrant criminals OUT.

    If you look at a profile of the Berlin Wall, it was shaped like a Christmas Candy Cane, with the top curved and facing in so that a grappling hook couldnt gain any purchase and allow the escapee to scale up & over the Wall.

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