Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D- HI) Hires Russian Agent to Keep Hawaii Media in Check – IOTW Report

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D- HI) Hires Russian Agent to Keep Hawaii Media in Check

Hawai’i Free Press:  Russia has lots of experience in media censorship.  So perhaps it is logical that Rep Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-2) hires an agent of the Russian government as a ‘consultant’ to keep Hawaii media under control.

But Gabbard’s consultant, Chris Cooper of the Potomac Square Group, is no ordinary Russian agent.  Cooper is allegedly one of seven identified as being at the center of illegal Russian lobbying efforts reaching into the Trump campaign and Congress.

Inquiries with Gabbard’s DC office last June by reporter Christine Gralow—then stringing an article for Honolulu Magazine–must have piqued the attentions of the numerous Hare Krishna cultists employed there.  Within 24 hours a letter from Cooper, identifying himself as “a consultant to Rep. Tulsi Gabbard,” riddled with misspellings and inaccuracies, landed in the in-box of Honolulu Magazine’s editors. 

It worked.  Honolulu Magazine suddenly lost interest in Gralow’s articles – which she eventually published on her own website,  And confirming its obsequience, on November 20, Honolulu Magazine characterized a Gabbard cult expose in the New Yorker as “another project in otherizing Gabbard’s faith journey.”   Keep reading  here

SNIP: Be sure to read the Meanwhile in Hawai’i  link. It’s an expose on the Gabbard family’s deep roots in Hawai’i politics and associations with some shady Hare Krishna cultists.

9 Comments on Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D- HI) Hires Russian Agent to Keep Hawaii Media in Check

  1. Jim, you can’t say that. It’s sexual assault or aggression or rape or something. We’re no longer allowed to compliment a woman, her clothes, her ideas or intellect or lack thereof.

  2. Did you guys read the actual letter this PR hack Chris Cooper wrote? It’s so terribly written it’s almost good. So he sells out to the D.C. PR world, accepts a job with Putin’s lawyer, then, in a letter he was hired by Tulsi Gabbard to write, he claims his journalism ethics are superior to the independent investigative journalist whose work he was paid to suppress. Taking douchbagery to the next level!

  3. Whatever you guys do, do NOT tell Tucker that his long-time crush Tulsi Gabbard is in a cult and is being controlled by wacko, sexually repressed cult leader Chris Butler, whose home is covered in tin foil. IF you tell Tucker, his heart will break, and he will have to look in the mirror and realize his crush was on Butler all along. 🙁 🙁 🙁 Tucker might not make it.

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