Report: 2 Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Fake – IOTW Report

Report: 2 Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Fake

Gateway Pundit:

The mainstream media attributed two websites to the man arrested with Paul Pelosi on early Friday morning, David DePape.  However, this all appears to be another far-left farce.

David DePape was found with Paul Pelosi early Friday morning in his underwear at the Pelosi home by police in San Francisco.  The mainstream media immediately tried to cover for the Pelosi family.  They then attempted to align the man in his underwear found with Paul Pelosi as a conservative.  But it was all a lie.

There are numerous questions related to this case already.

In addition, the media tried to frame DePape as a conservative based on websites that were reportedly his.  DePape was homeless and a drug addict but the media insisted he was running a conservative website?  Makes perfect sense. MORE

19 Comments on Report: 2 Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Fake

  1. FAKE NEWS may be 63 years old; but it is as active, and energetic as a teenager! FAKE NEWS may to paraphrase Ronny “live forever, like a government program”.

    FKE NEWS always, inevitably smears conservatives! I have never seen FAKE NEWS smear a liberal; has anyone?

  2. We have friends who do believe the fake news. Of course they lived in NJ and moved to NH and still vote liberal and read the NY Slimes thinking they are very informed.
    A lot of people never look beyond what is placed in front of them.

    This will blow up like the other attempts at blaming conservatives for leftards’ deviant behavior.

  3. …the GWP comments are priceless..

    8 hours ago
    David DePape came in Paul Pelosi’s back door.

    Who says the MSM can’t get a story right.

    The Rhyming Patriot JGault
    8 hours ago
    Loads of truth there .

    Lt. Col. William Kilgore The Rhyming Patriot
    8 hours ago
    Creamy loads.

    Shilo1958 Lt. Col. William Kilgore
    8 hours ago
    Dr Fauci say’s it’s good for the complexion.

    BoBBuilder Lt. Col. William Kilgore
    8 hours ago
    make it clear, do not speak in circles

    Lt. Col. William Kilgore BoBBuilder
    8 hours ago
    He got the shaft.

    TSPforlifeNWO Lt. Col. William Kilgore
    5 hours ago
    Nancy likes ice cream, Paul prefers cream pies.

    RogueBeast JGault
    8 hours ago
    Many have a hunch you’re right.

    Shilo1958 JGault
    8 hours ago
    Brucies Bath House, entrance in the rear?

    McFly Shilo1958
    8 hours ago
    Barry bought that place decades ago…

    Shilo1958 McFly
    8 hours ago
    I wonder how much he sold it to Pauly?

    McFly Shilo1958
    8 hours ago
    Probably alot… considering the sentimental value for BigMike.

    Shilo1958 McFly
    8 hours ago
    It could also be a joint venture with Nancy as the silent partner.”

  4. “A lie travels half-way round the World before the truth (sic) gets his boots on.”
    (dead white dude)

    And that’s why the purveyors of evil persist in disseminating lies – by the time the lies are proven lies they’ve already done the damage – the morons will continue to believe the lies – and the purveyors of evil will cite the published lies as the basis for further lies.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Why do the democrats enjoy faking stuff so much? Of course to make conservatives look bad, evil and stupid.
    So they’re saying that conservatives aren’t bad, evil and stupid enough for them, right?

  6. Who, in the FBI, is responsible for creating the websites is the real story. Not that there will be any real consequences, but at least credit where credit is due.

  7. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Republican establishment to speak out on this horse shit. Five’ll get ya’ ten you won’t hear a peep from any of the Busheviks, and it is breaking Paul Ryan’s heart that his dear friends across the aisle’s honesty and sincerity would even be brought into question.

  8. Paul Pelosi is a known drunk, pedophile, womanizer, degenerate, and an illegal invader from Canada. His lowlife left lame liberal lover, Depape, answered the door in his dirty drawers to cops after both lowlifes got into it with the drunk pedophile Pelosi getting his pervert skull knocked in with a hammer. Depape never broke into the white privilege white elite mansion since glass was broken from the inside, and not from out. The entire vaudeville farce was staged by Parasite Nancy Pelosi and the predator husband who’s also on the Epstein long list as a “client”.

  9. Paul Pelosi is a known drunk, pedophile, womanizer, degenerate, and an illegal invader from Canada. His lowlife lefty lame liberal lover, Depape, answered the door in his dirty drawers to cops after both lowlifes got into it with the drunk pedophile Pelosi getting his pervert skull knocked in with a hammer. Depape never broke into the white privilege white elite mansion since glass was broken from the inside, and not from out. The entire vaudeville farce was staged by Parasite Nancy Pelosi and the predator husband who’s also on the Epstein long list as a “client”.

  10. Ya’ know the most fucked up part of this entire episode? Had it been an authentic break in and assault and not been a Party insider who was legitimately victimized… in places like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco etc the individual who busted an innocent person’s skull would have been back out on the street before the sun came up and with the blessing of the media.

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