REPORT : 5.7 Million Illegals Voted – IOTW Report

REPORT : 5.7 Million Illegals Voted

Truthfeed: Anyone who believes illegal aliens did not vote in the 2016 election is delusional.

Hillary Clinton’s so-called popular vote “win” came solely from California, a state that allows illegals to get their drivers license at the same place Americans are registered to vote.

President Trump, along with all sane Americans, has long said illegals are mass voting in the U.S. and this new report, which looks at 2008 voting, supports his claims.  more

19 Comments on REPORT : 5.7 Million Illegals Voted

  1. Hmm, could this be why 90% of California Law Makers are off the chart liberal? When can we start recalling these ass holes. And begin reversing all of their legislation.

  2. O.K, so who’s going to fix this shit and how? I guess one way would be build a wall and deport all illegals. I do’t see that happening before the next election. Fucking Democrats

  3. It’s a clear case of corruption on a National level. Jerry Brown and company need to be prosecuted. Pick a charge. After they serve their sentences deport them to Mexico.

  4. Reagan started this crap with his amnesty in 1986, 31 years ago. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama merely magnified it…

    There’s really more likely 40 to 50 million illegals here and they don’t like us ‘Mericans’ nor do they want to assimilate, especially the ones that came here in the last 20 years. It’s gonna take extensive work to get them out of the country and that’s really the only option….Prolly will never happen….

  5. Brad,

    You and I both know that recalling them isn’t enough. They have to be prevented from polluting the political environment permanently. Incarceration is the least we could do.

    Look at Obama and OFA. Active sedition of over 30,000 useless SJW’s acting to destroy the Republic.

    Why have we let it get this far?

  6. The Federal Election Commission and the State Boards of Elections are filled by political appointees. At best they are paper Tigers to give the populous a false sense of secure elections and a fair vote. SHAM WOW !

  7. Cato, take a look at the FEC mission statement. Nothing in it about secure elections or a fair vote. It’s all about the money. I find it fascinating that, while the CDC mission-crept its way to studying gun violence, the FEC has stuck ploddingly to its investigation of GOP campaign finances.

  8. No photograph, no finger prints? No votey. Force every place where folks commonly die to notify a national registry so dead people can no longer vote. Mortuaries routinely perform this service with Social Security. Name and finger print poll workers as well.

  9. I seem to recall that the voter fraud was estimated to be around 3 mill. This is twice that amount!
    Not surprising since we said Trump had to win BIG to overcome the fraud. Now we’re beginning to see just how big!

  10. It’s not “Voter Fraud” it’s “Undermining the Republic.”

    Call it what it is. Those who allow this are more Treasonous than Benedict Arnold – who only sold out West Point (and didn’t do a very good job of that).

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Just before I left CA, the reports were that everyone applying for a drivers license WOULD be registered as a CA voter.

    I found that interesting, because if the applying person said ‘no’, in answer to ‘which party’, he would he be assigned to a party. Which party? Oh foolish me– democRAT, of course.

    After CA decided to give everyone a driver’s license, no papers needed, I was very tempted to go and apply as an alien, just so I could get some of the freebies offered. After all, ‘no papers needed’. My Social Security check didn’t go far in CA. I even thought, ‘I could get a new social security card and double dip!!

    But alas, ethics rears its foot and stomps my nefarious thoughts, if I ever have them. I chose to leave commieland.

    [Just a note of interest: I check my input before I post, but this time checked again. Within the second paragraph ‘Siri’ decided to insert, “Conservative Insurgency’. I get really angry at Siri for correcting my already correct info to what it decides, or not correct simple mistakes, BUT that was totally out of context. My ‘conspiracy’ spider sense is pinging, and I’m NOT a conspiracy theorist.]

  12. Illegals voting is THE major reason why ALL Democrat Party assholes hate Voter ID laws. They want as many illegals + dead people + multiple-vote people + felons to be voting for the Party Of Free Shit & Corruption

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