Report: All 3 Clintons Called the Secret Service ‘Pigs’ – IOTW Report

Report: All 3 Clintons Called the Secret Service ‘Pigs’

Breitbart: Former White House florist Ronn Payne claims that Chelsea Clinton learned from her parents to call the Secret Service “pigs,” according to the new book The Residence: Inside The Private World Of The White House by Kate Anderson Brower.


The Daily Mail reports:

As he walked into the second-floor kitchen one day, he saw Chelsea talking on the phone. A member of her Secret Service protective detail came in behind him to take the Clintons’ only child to school.

‘Oh, I’ve got to go. The pigs are here,’ she told her phone pal, according to Payne – using a 1960s-era epithet for law enforcement.

‘Faced with an angry agent who reminded her in no uncertain terms that it was his job to protect her, Chelsea replied: ‘Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.’

Secret Service agents have long complained about the extreme difficulty of working for Hillary Clinton.  MORE

20 Comments on Report: All 3 Clintons Called the Secret Service ‘Pigs’

  1. “Secret Service agents have long complained about the extreme difficulty of working for Hillary Clinton”

    Then why the hell do they do it? No sympathy here – tell the spoiled assholes to jam it and then leave!

  2. Everyone in the USA not in the bag for the Bag Hag asks the same questions? Why do they do it? Doing one’s job is one thing, protecting the Hounds of Hell is something different. These three low rent pigs from the sty only deserve one thing…and its not live long and prosper.

  3. Look at the dull expression on Chelsea’s hideously ugly face and the uncoordinated manner that she is clapping her hands. I think Chelsea might be a little retarded.

    I think when Chelsea was conceived, Hillary must have wiped the best part of Webb Hubell’s load on the motel curtains and Chelsea grew from whatever was left over.

  4. Bill probably says “pigs” more like a pot-smoking hippie says it, compared to Hillary. The secret service are probably praying for Hillary’s death for the way she says it.

  5. Arkansas takes a lot of flak over Hillary when, in truth, Hillary hates everything about Arkansas – including the people who live here. And Arkansas hates that bitch right back.

    We won’t take the blame for that corrupt Chicagoan. I wish people would stop trying to link her to Arkansas. She has nothing in common with the citizens of the Razorback state.

    Irks me every time. Sorry.

  6. Caligula taunted and humiliated his guards until they caused him to assume room temperature.

    It’s always surprised me that the Clintons so brazenly insult their protectors to their faces.
    Arrogant morons.

    Hilary’s SS won’t actively harm her.
    But I expect there is a noticeable lack of enthusiasm.

  7. The Marxist left wants to prohibit the ownership of guns by mentally disabled people which would automatically include anyone who would protect the Clintons, Obama, or other fellow creeps (too numerous to list) with their own lives!

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