Report: Amazon Ring Doorbells Exposed Home Wi-Fi Passwords to Hackers – IOTW Report

Report: Amazon Ring Doorbells Exposed Home Wi-Fi Passwords to Hackers


A new report from security researchers alleges that Amazon Ring doorbells have exposed users’ home Wi-Fi passwords to hackers.

TechCrunch reports that security researchers at Bitdefender have claimed that Amazon Ring doorbells were sending users Wi-Fi passwords in cleartext as the doorbell joins the home network. This would allow hackers to intercept the Wi-Fi password and gain access to users’ local network.

Bitdefender stated: “When first configuring the device, the smartphone app must send the wireless network credentials. This takes place in an unsecure manner, through an unprotected access point. Once this network is up, the app connects to it automatically, queries the device, then sends the credentials to the local network.”

All of this happens over an unencrypted connection which exposes the Wi-Fi password being sent over the air. The vulnerability was reportedly fixed by Amazon in September but the vulnerability was only recently disclosed. read more

16 Comments on Report: Amazon Ring Doorbells Exposed Home Wi-Fi Passwords to Hackers

  1. I’m about ready to wrap my house in foil now I’m so sick of the constant attempts at intrusion.
    Just knowing that most of the techies out there are leftists means they’re just the kind of creeps that make perfect voyeurs.
    Creeps, one and all.

  2. I don’t use ANY of those things. I don’t own an iPhone and never will. My friends occasionally mock me because I even refuse to text on my flip phone, but I have found that technology doesn’t necessarily make my life better or more worry-free. You want to talk to me? Call.

    Brown Eyed Luddite Girl

  3. Use MAC authentication for all devices allowed to connect to your Wi-Fi, it will greatly reduce the chance of someone gaining unauthorized access unless they know a whole bunch more than the average hacker does.

  4. Same rule applies to these techno wonders as
    that for buying a new car.
    Never buy a “new” model until well after the 3rd year
    of full production; so the dangerous or aggravating
    kinks have been worked out by the manufacturer.

  5. Using a MAC whitelist is the best way to lock down your WiFi. Add to that disabling SSID broadcast and you’ve made it even more difficult for unauthorized use.

    I also found that I have zero unauthorized login attempts on the network I’ve named MALWARE. (-:

  6. I’m about ready to ditch my so called smart phone and go back to a flip phone. The damned thing was acting up on me last week and was going straight to Google and not letting me use the key pad to make calls. I wasn’t having a good day in the first place since I had just gone on a wild goose chase trying to find a new customer which I found after wandering around aimlessly for an extra 15-20 minutes. I don’t need a fancy smart phone just a reliable phone for work and etc.


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