Report: Another Hideous Illegal Alien Crime – IOTW Report

Report: Another Hideous Illegal Alien Crime


As previously reported, an illegal alien from Ecuador was charged las week with suffocating a Syracuse woman on her 21st birthday and then burying her body in a shallow grave at a nearby park.

Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, 21, was charged with second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse for killing Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza, 21. She is also Ecuadorian, but her immigration status is unclear.

The illegal alien killer entered the US last year on Joe Biden’s open border invitation and was released into the US as his asylum application was processed.

New chilling footage of Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis carrying Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza’s limp body out of an Airbnb as a police cruiser drove by emerged. more

4 Comments on Report: Another Hideous Illegal Alien Crime

  1. The illegal alien component are tools being used by the progressive movement to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. The ultimate responsibility resides with those who support and vote for any progressive politician irrespective of whether they are Democrats or establishment Republicans. Not that the illegal aliens are not responsible, they are, but they had accomplices.

  2. JD – The illegal alien component are tools being used by the progressive movement to increase chaos and mayhem well into the foreseeable future to torpedo our society as it ramps up exponentially if not met with great force!

  3. All of this started when they elevated illegal alien Barry Soetoro to the presidency and we let them keep him there.

    If they can get away with treason, you cannot be surprised at all the other crimes they are emboldened to do.

  4. Femicidio is a growing problem in Ecuadorian society, coinciding with the growing influence of narco-thug culture.

    Long gone is the influence of Lorena Bobbitt, whose brave (ruthless?) act of bodily pruning caused many Ecuadorian men to sleep with their pants on.


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