Report: Beheading In French Attack Featured Islamic Flag, Arabic Writing On Head. – IOTW Report

Report: Beheading In French Attack Featured Islamic Flag, Arabic Writing On Head.

New Chisel-

There are reports of explosions and a man being decapitated in a southeastern France gas factory.

The following information has been gathered via AFP and various other sources listed at the bottom of the post:


7 Comments on Report: Beheading In French Attack Featured Islamic Flag, Arabic Writing On Head.

  1. French people, daft they may be, are pissed (and fearful, naturally, white flagish) about the rapid growth and extreme radicalism of muslims. What is the government going to do? They are going to PROVE that France can co-exist with islam and the best way to do that is by converting Catholic churches across the nation into mosques.

    Camel nose in the tent? Hell, no! The camel has moved in.

    France is gone. Britain is gone. Sweden is gone. Netherlands—gone. The rest of the west to follow.

  2. “…this underscores the ridiculousness of the American left-wing going after centuries old symbols and flags instead of paying attention to real evil in the world right now.”

    Squirrel! Squirrel! That’s all the american left-wing Commies see!

  3. “Those people just need jobs, that’s all.
    Then they wouldn’t have time for all this silly ISIS stuff. Let’s get to work on the French economy.”

    …Said the Leftist head, when it could
    still talk.

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