Report: Communist China Replacing Ten Commandments With Quotes by President Xi – IOTW Report

Report: Communist China Replacing Ten Commandments With Quotes by President Xi

CNS: Communist Chinese officials have forced one of the largest Protestant groups in the world, the government-sanctioned Three-Self Church, to remove all images of the Ten Commandments from its churches and replace them with quotes and pictures of authoritarian President Xi Jinping and former dictator Mao Zedong, according to Fox

The Chinese regime is cracking down on all religions and forcing them to implement — “sinicize” — the socialist teachings of the Communist Party into their faith and religious practices. 

“The state-sanctioned Three-Self Church — one of the largest Protestant bodies in the world — has removed the Ten Commandments from almost all their locations, but some have been reportedly shut down for not implementing the government’s plan,” reported Fox  more here

24 Comments on Report: Communist China Replacing Ten Commandments With Quotes by President Xi

  1. I’m Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, George Soros, Thomas Steyer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and any other socialist politician, and I approve this tactic and message. In fact, there shall only be one commandment: “I, the State, am a jealous god and, regardless of the amount of enormous pain, suffering and damage I inflict, you shall have no other gods before me.”

  2. We’ve seen this show before and it don’t end good!!
    Heads up Kidz! This is what Uncle Bernie and Aunt Lizzy’s “Socialism” eventually turns into! “Socialism” is just the come-on sweetener for the world’s biggest Bait & Switch scam! They will rob the bounty from the tree of free enterprise until it is picked clean and stripped bare, then leave the absolute, stark, naked, raw brutality of Communism to run and control your lives! It’s all happening right before your eyes. Pay good attention children!

  3. WHEN (not if) the tanks roll on Hong Kong, the Hong Kong stock exchange will not only crash; it will become defunct, as will all stocks traded on that exchange. This will cause ALL the world’s exchanges (New York, NASDAQ, Japan, EU, London, etc., even the ones in Shanghai and Shenzhen) to crash, causing a world-wide depression that will make the Great Depression look like nothing.

    The Hong Kong protesters should encircle the Hong Kong stock exchange building with their backs to the building. They should carry signs in English promising to protect the stock exchange for Chinese tanks with their lives. This will convince the whole world to support Hong Kong independence, or watch the world burn.

    Stock up on trade goods, such as coffee, sugar, flour, and whiskey.

  4. So … we had the same shit with Obola.

    “Whether yellow, black, or white;
    They are precious in HIS sight –
    Barack Hussein Obola – mmm, mmm, mmm …”

    False gods of retards everywhere!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Churches that didn’t follow the government plan were shut down, you say? Kinda like what Dems will do to American churches that don’t go all in on the LGBLTQ agenda?

  6. In the USAF, I had access to Strategic Air Command’s Bombing Encyclopedia of every target in China that was to be destroyed in the event of nuclear war. You’d be surprised what was on that list.

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