Report: Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote – IOTW Report

Report: Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote

Includes a Script for Undocumented Aliens – Led By Harvard Dr. Linked to Kamala Harris

9 Comments on Report: Democrats Are Using Organization with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote

  1. Several years ago, my doctor was telling me what a great president Obama was because he read his book. I quit going to that doctor because he was a highly educated Demoncrat moran.

  2. “It’s a female physician who said that if she treats Conservatives, she often misdiagnoses them and gives them the wrong treatment.”

    …this isnt malpractice. This is intentional infliction of harm with malice aforethought. Were she in a uniformed service this would be assault under color of authority. This is not merely a mistake, this is a complete lack of morals, ethics, standards, or even common decency. This uses a position of trust and responsibility to betray people seeking medical care for no reason other than percieved political differences. This is an all-out destruction of the basic duties of a physician in a way that destroys vital trust in the medical profession.

    This is criminal.

    …this cannot be cured by mere lawsuits, although she should have the entirety of her property stripped and given to those she medically assaulted. This woman at best should never be outside a prison again, and the entirety of her practice needs to be audited to see if any of her patients died as a result of her lunatic political poisonings.

    If so, she needs to answer with a life for a life.

    …but this is what Communists do. Remove God then remove any respect for basic dignity and any value of human life, then use every institution to the benefit of the State and ONLY the state.

    Even if she is caught and stopped, Im sure they’ve bred many more like her.

    This ‘doctor’, like ‘dr’ Fauci, is the visible face of evil, but is only a symptom of evil, the lump from a tumor and not the tumor itself.

    The cancer is Communism.

    And like a cancer, it needs to be excised by any means.

    By the knife.

    Or by radiation.

    One does not show mercy to a metatasic squamous.

    Nether do Communists deserve any, and for the same reason.

    Like a cancer, Communism grows and corrupts and destroys because thats literally all it can do. Cancer does not consider that it will die with its host when it kills its host, cancer only rushes to infest and dominate today, heedless that it hastens its own death tomorrow. What cancer dominates, it destroys, even though that means it destroys itself in the process.

    You kill cancer, or cancer kills you.

    There is no middle ground.

    Communism and cancer have a lot in common.

    Keep that in mind whenever confronted with a Communist.

    Even one that styles herself “doctor”.

    Or vice president.

  3. Any doctor who advocates for parasites needs to spend time in an EMERGENCY department where they can work long hours taking care of derelicts, drunks, druggies, and deadbeats and not get paid.


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