Report: Elijah Cummings’ Widow May Run for His Congressional Seat – IOTW Report

Report: Elijah Cummings’ Widow May Run for His Congressional Seat

Breitbart: Rep. Elijah Cummings’ widow, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, may run for his congressional seat, according to a report.

The 48-year-old chairwoman of the Maryland Democratic Party has not yet made a statement about a possible run, but sources said she is the “most likely successor to fill his congressional seat,” according to the Washington Examiner.

The article also stated that other potential candidates “will make room for her out of respect for her and her late husband” if she decides to run in April.

However, one political operative noted that Rockeymoore is not planning any immediate political moves in the near future.

“Word is that Maya Rockeymoore will pass on the special election,” the operative said. read more

SNIP: Oh, grifter’s grifty wife will just take over his seat, no questions asked? Does that work in real life?

Woman- Hello, I’m doctor Weiss’ wife.
Patient- Where is doctor Weiss?
Woman- Oh he’s dead. I’m his wife, I’m taking over his patient load.
Patient- Are you a doctor?
Woman- No. But I was his wife. So it’s the same thing.

28 Comments on Report: Elijah Cummings’ Widow May Run for His Congressional Seat

  1. Wouldn’t it be a much smoother process if his will just named his wife as his replacement? It’s not exactly legal; but, hey we’re talking democrats here!

  2. This is so frustrating for me.
    They gerrymandered that district so its tentacles reach out to my town. There is absolutely no demographic characteristic which places me in with the rest of that shithole.

  3. Any Guesses?
    16 BILLION Dollars of Fed grant and program money disappeared into that rathole district in 2018.
    Way over 100K for every and each man, woman and
    child “living” in it and no one can figure out where
    that much money went.
    Now it’t all up for grabs.

  4. Pretty much SOP.
    Mary was appointed to fill out Sonny’s term.
    Jo Ann filled out Bill’s term.
    Lindy Boggs.
    Beverly Byron.
    Jean Carnahan.

    Whole slew of em.

    izlamo delenda est …


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