Report: Fake News About 6-Year-Old Boy’s Stabbing Inspires Muslim Terrorist Attack in Brussels – IOTW Report

Report: Fake News About 6-Year-Old Boy’s Stabbing Inspires Muslim Terrorist Attack in Brussels

FPM: After the Hamas massacre of Israeli children, the media chose to amplify fake news about a landlord-tenant dispute in Chicago in which the landlord allegedly stabbed a female Muslim tenant and her son. Even though the landlord is an American Polish Catholic who has nothing to do with Jews or Israel, the media, Islamist groups and the Biden White House all blew up the story and tried to connect it to the war in Israel based on, apparently, the mother’s word.

Well, fake news has very real consequences.

Abdesalem Lassoued opened fire on a group of Swedish football fans in a taxi last night as they passed through Boulevard d’Ypres just a few minutes north of the city’s famous Grand Plaza ahead of Belgium’s Euro 2024 qualifier against Sweden.

Several people fled into an apartment building after hearing the gunshots, but Lassoued followed them and opened fire again in the entrance hall in an attack he said was to avenge the killing of a six-year-old US-Palestinian boy.

Disturbing video taken by passers-by purportedly shows the attacker on a motorbike stalking people and shooting them in public, with other images circulating online showing the body of one person inside a taxi. more

14 Comments on Report: Fake News About 6-Year-Old Boy’s Stabbing Inspires Muslim Terrorist Attack in Brussels

  1. Anything these shit streak muzzy’s do will inspire a blot on humanity. Don’t be an idiot and believe it’s a peaceful religion

    The Quran has 123 verses that call for fighting and killing anyone who does not agree with the statement, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.” Jews and Christians are specifically included among such “infidels.”

    The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.” Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them … and lie in wait for them … and establish every stratagem (of war against them).” Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel.

  2. They always Blame the Jews.

    Sincere thanks Mary Jane for posting this.
    I was very upset about it yesterday and am grateful that you exposed this accusatory LIE from esp. CNN.

    It was everywhere up here in Canuckistan.

    Thank You.

  3. Everyone (writer, editor, publisher) associated with this atrocity needs to be HALO dropped into Gaza, and let them suffer the consequences of their actions.

  4. So the mother ran and locked herself in the bathroom while her 6-year-old son was being stabbed, said she couldn’t get him in there with her, and she didn’t come back out to try to help him? My daughter is 42, and you would still have to kill me in order to harm her. The landlord is a piece of shit, no question, but how does a mother abandon her little son to a murderer? Maybe it’s a culture thing.

    “When Czuba then attacked Shahin with a knife, she locked herself in a nearby bathroom to get away from Czuba, but was unable to get her son into the bathroom with her… That’s when Shahin called 911 and reported her son was being stabbed, and she said she did not come out of the bathroom until police arrived, according to prosecutors.”

  5. I’ve ungraded the weapons I carry in my vehicle when I drive around. Think more lethality and capacity. I’m a peaceful man but I’ll be ready to stop a terrorist doing harm to innocents.


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