Report: Gingrich, Giuliani, Priebus on Short List for Top Jobs in a Trump Administration – IOTW Report

Report: Gingrich, Giuliani, Priebus on Short List for Top Jobs in a Trump Administration

Breibart: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s cabinet picks are starting to shape up just days before the election is to take place.

According to three campaign advisers who asked to remain anonymous, Trump’s transition staff is eyeing Rudy Giuliani for the position of attorney general, Newt Gingrich for the position of secretary of state, and Reince Priebus for chief of staff should Trump win the election, NBC News reported.

Other picks for the potential administration include retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn for defense secretary or national security adviser, Trump finance chairman Steve Mnuchin for Treasury secretary, and Republican National Committee finance chair Lew Eisenberg for commerce secretary, the sources said.

NBC News reports that Trump has not been too involved in transition efforts because he’s too worried about jinxing the election.

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions has taken over the transition effort since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, tasked with leading the transition effort, has “drifted from the campaign,” according to NBC News.  Read More

SNIP: Christie is too wrapped up with the “BridgeGate” stuff, and I’m pretty sure the report meant to say ‘towel bitch’ instead of ‘chief of staff’ for Reince Priebus. Also, I think they misspelled Rinsed Penis.

14 Comments on Report: Gingrich, Giuliani, Priebus on Short List for Top Jobs in a Trump Administration

  1. “towel bitch”!! ouch-he’s a sneaky fuck, I’d be surprised if Trump made him Chief of Staff. He got wobbly knees after that pussy grabbing tape was made public-not good IMO.

  2. I relish the thought of AG Giuliani UNLEASHED on Hillary, Comey, Huma, and Lynch, as well as on Fast and Furious and dickHolder!!
    Hell, I could even tolerate Chrispy joining in on that pigpile

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