Report: Inflation Leaves the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores – IOTW Report

Report: Inflation Leaves the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores


Dollar Tree’s latest earnings report offers a grim reflection on the state of the American economy. What we are witnessing is not just a minor fluctuation in retail performance, but a broader indictment of an economy that, under the stewardship of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, has manifestly lost its way.

For those unacquainted with Dollar Tree’s dual audience, its Family Dollar stores cater to lower-income households seeking everyday necessities, while its namesake brand draws in middle- and upper-income shoppers for affordable party supplies and seasonal goods. What makes this earnings report notable is the revelation that even households earning over $125,000 per year—once thought immune to such cutbacks—are now tightening their belts and shifting from “buying for want” to “buying for need.”

This is not a blip, nor should it be dismissed as a mere casualty of transient economic forces. Rather, it is the logical outcome of economic policies that have imposed inflationary burdens on all classes of Americans. The Biden-Harris administration, with its reckless fiscal expansions and ideological hubris, has forced consumers into a corner. It was inevitable that even the affluent would feel the blow; and now, with Dollar Tree’s stock plunging nearly 25 percent, the axe has finally bitten into the grain. more here

7 Comments on Report: Inflation Leaves the Middle Class Too Poor to Shop at Dollar Stores

  1. My homeowner’s insurance will renew next month. I learned today that the annual premium is increasing $2500. I don’t know how young people are going to make it. The middle class is on its deathbed. Damn the left!

  2. Dr. Hambone

    Do you live in an “extreme” fire area. This bull shit is actually forcing Californians out of their homes. Particularly the elderly on a fixed income. It’s fing greed and bull shit. Pro tip. Find yourself an independent broker that has direct access to the underwriters. It took us three months of pictures and an on sight visit but our premium is next to nothing.
    NOW, lets speak about General Liability for Small Biz. Premiums are up about 5 fold in as many years. Why are they up? We’re told because the pool has gotten so small that the premiums had to rise to cover the liability. In my little mind that is not a good economic indicator and I am not feeling any JOY.

  3. The goal for years now with these library’s has been to destroy the middle class.
    The real working people who come up with ideas, are more independent, own small businesses, own homes. etc.
    They want only wealthy “club members” or dependents of the govt system, aka communism.


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