Report: JP Morgan in Bed with Jeffrey Epstein – IOTW Report

Report: JP Morgan in Bed with Jeffrey Epstein


Attorney for USVA [US Virgin Islands], Mimi Liu, outlined details to Judge Jed Rakoff in U.S. District Court in Manhattan last Thursday.  According to the astonishing revelations, the entire financial relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and JPMorgan was centered around payments for sex trafficking.  There was no other business between the two entities in the 16 years of Epstein’s use of the bank.  All of the Epstein account transactions were based around his sex trafficking operation. More

6 Comments on Report: JP Morgan in Bed with Jeffrey Epstein

  1. Judge Jed Rakoff was probably a “client” of Epstein’s – seems like most “judges,” from the Supremes down to the local Justices of the Peace, were.
    Ms. Liu best be careful.

    We know, for sure, that the DOJ and FBI were big-time Epstein clients, as well as the Hollyweird and Wall Street Big Shots, along with most of the Legislative Branch.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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