Report- Justice Department Didn’t Pursue Enemy Combatant Loose in U.S. Because It Would Prove Trump’s Point About Refugees – IOTW Report

Report- Justice Department Didn’t Pursue Enemy Combatant Loose in U.S. Because It Would Prove Trump’s Point About Refugees

Did Trump tweet about this yet?

A Muslim who fought against U.S. troops in the Middle East changed his name and was able to come here under the “refugee” program.

When officials wanted to track him down it was blocked by the DOJ because “it would make Hillary look bad, this is what Trump is saying is wrong with refugee vetting.”

I didn’t think it was possible for me to loathe the left any more than I do. But with each passing day the ante is upped.


21 Comments on Report- Justice Department Didn’t Pursue Enemy Combatant Loose in U.S. Because It Would Prove Trump’s Point About Refugees

  1. How do these traitorous bastards sleep at night? Would they go so far as to directly jeopardize their loved ones in order to further their politics? I think yes, they would.

  2. Investigate and if true start firing for cause anyone who had a hand in blocking the tracking of this fellow. I mean they get frog marched out the door by security after their office or workspace has been sealed then searched (files, pc’s, phone the lot). Their file gets updated with why they were fired and if contacted for a reference they will tell the caller that the person was fired for cause but can’t go into detail and are not eligible for rehire.

  3. A senator wants another investigation?!?!? F^$K that! How much treason needs to be RUBBED IN THEIR FACE before they sense a whiff of it?!

    They better pray hard every day that nothing happens to any of my loved ones.

  4. @AbigailAdams March 9, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    > arguments for dismantling

    That’s NewSpeak for “Here’s a severance package. Here’s a pension. Here’s lifetime benefits for you, your spouses, your children, and your pets. And thanks for your service.”

  5. If the Barky admin didn’t say it (aka forbid it being reported) – it didn’t exist.
    A similar concept to – No Pics, It didn’t happen.
    Otoh – stating ISIS is the JV Team & on the run didn’t stop the Benghazi attack, Oh wait. Sorry, I forgot, It wasn’t an attack, it was only a riot by peaceful muslims upset about a video. And the admin didn’t fail to send help during the riot.

  6. The treasonous, entrenched bureaucrats need to be tried for their crimes. They are intentionally harming the nation and citizenz. Many should be tied to a post and shot.

  7. Sounds like they were more serious about tracking DJT’s lunch orders than following this enemy of our country. Makes sense to me.

    But then again I’m just an American Nationalist who believes in capitalism, pie, and that gasoline and coal are valuable in the national defense.

  8. @AbigailAdams March 9, 2017 at 2:47 pm

    > Still, it would be cheaper than continuing them, huh?

    Cheaper than continuing them? No. Not even if you defy the Chinese billing protocol.

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