Report: New York Allowed Coronavirus-Infected Nurses To Work In Nursing Home – IOTW Report

Report: New York Allowed Coronavirus-Infected Nurses To Work In Nursing Home

Daily Caller: New York allowed coronavirus-infected nurses to work in nursing homes, a new report published Wednesday by the New York Post suggests.

State officials allegedly signed off on allowing nurses who tested positive for the novel coronavirus to volunteer at Hornell Gardens nursing home in upstate New York. Despite protests from local officials in Steuben County, state officials signed off on allowing nurses still recovering from the virus to work in nursing homes, according to the New York Post. more

9 Comments on Report: New York Allowed Coronavirus-Infected Nurses To Work In Nursing Home

  1. The NY response to the Chinese COVID-19 virus has been so inept, political and morally bankrupt that it will be the subject of study of management students for years to come. Cuomo and De Blasio have NO plan and bullshit the public daily with folksy banter and anecdotes.

  2. …OK, again, where’s the NURSING HOME management on this? I don’t CARE if the MurderBros say you CAN let infected nurses work in your vulnerable population, because why WOULD you?

    …sorry, if you take actions that you KNOW will lead to injury or death, that’s on YOU. I don’t CARE if some Democrat says it’s OK, GOD says it’s NOT.

    …and if it’s MY Mom, I WILL hunt your negligent ass down, GUARANTEED. If you wanna go out saying, “but Cuomo said it’s OK”, fine, that can resonate right through to when you’re in front of the Lord’s Throne a couple minutes later for judgement, but I’m pretty sure HE won’t be swayed by it, EITHER.

    …if the State insists, shut your home DOWN. You are NOT serving ANY purpose or fulfilling your obligations to your patients by being complicit in State-sponsored geriacide. If THEY want to murder helpless adults, the LEAST you could do is not HELP them…

  3. The corona virus provides s major cash injection unto states that cannot be verified or justified using conventional methods. :Looks artificially induced and smells fishy.

  4. That’s what happens when your only focused on damaging the POTUS, you become confused as to what your main objective should be. Cuomo has too many political irons in the fire to handle both jobs. People died, but sure to focus on the main problem next time your voting.

  5. You will respect my authoritah, even if a bunch of helpless old people die in the process. No wonder they’re letting all the rapists out, to help deflect from people noticing they’re a bunch of murderers.


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