Report: Wisconsin Dem Who A Killed Mother and Daughter in Car Accident Was On The Phone With Media – IOTW Report

Report: Wisconsin Dem Who A Killed Mother and Daughter in Car Accident Was On The Phone With Media

Gateway Pundit:

Top Wisconsin Democrat Janet Bewley killed two on Friday in a car accident a day after she reportedly underwent cataract surgery.  Bewley was uninjured while a mother and her 5-year-old daughter were killed.  
Senator Bewley was reportedly on the phone with a local Wisconsin media outlet at the time she hit the car with the young mother and daughter. more h/t Brad.

7 Comments on Report: Wisconsin Dem Who A Killed Mother and Daughter in Car Accident Was On The Phone With Media

  1. Last I heard, using a cell while driving was illegal pretty mush everywhere in the U.S. She should at least be charged with that along with manslaughter (2 counts). But since she has a (D) after her name, she will get off scott free, won’t she?

  2. I had cataract surgery last year. The surgeon said no driving for the next week after surgery. I had to sign a piece of paper stating I understood everything I should do and could not do for the next week. There is a follow-up appointment a week after cataract surgery and, just as you have to have a pre-assigned person to drive you to and from the surgery you must have a pre-assigned person to even drive you to that follow-up a week later. That’s how serious the medical community takes this operation.

    That woman is a murderer. She is a stone-cold murderer.

  3. Amen. My mother had cataract surgery about this time last year. The M.D. who did her surgery was adamant that she DID NOT DRIVE for at least a week. If she wanted to go somewhere, my dad or another family member had to drive her. The saddest thing about what happened to that poor woman & her daughter is the fact that because the idiot democrat behind the wheel a day after surgery & on the phone to boot, will never face any charges. She is a democrat, therefore the rules & laws do not apply to her.

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