Reporter Asks Biden if Putin is Testing Him – He Smugly Laughs and Says No – IOTW Report

Reporter Asks Biden if Putin is Testing Him – He Smugly Laughs and Says No

10 Comments on Reporter Asks Biden if Putin is Testing Him – He Smugly Laughs and Says No

  1. The question implies that Putin didn’t already have full knowledge of how Biden would act if there was an “attack” on the US. He has 40 plus years of background on how stupid Biden is.

  2. “He has 40 plus years of background on how stupid Biden is.”

    And since most of Biden’s people are the same Obama retreads Putin ran roughshod over years ago, he knows the worst he’ll get from Biden is James Taylor.

  3. this from the schmuck who got outmaneuvered by Putin during a televised interview in Russia. At a nod of his head, Putin had the mic turned off, the lights off, the cameras off in seconds. Prearranged embarassment for a buffoon.


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