Kasich the Lecturer. – IOTW Report

Kasich the Lecturer.

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich went to Borough Park yesterday to campaign for the upcoming New York primary. While there, the governor of Ohio ran into a group of Yeshiva students — and lectured them about Joseph.

The students are kind to him, if not muttering to themselves, “who is this guy?”


ht/ jerry manderin

7 Comments on Kasich the Lecturer.

  1. I’m sure Kasich identifies a lot with Joseph. Both were persecuted by their brethren. Both were given a sense that they were special by their parents. Both had fathers who wondered for a living (one a nomadic Shepard the other a mailman) One had a vision of the Sun, Moon and Stars bowing down to him and the other has delusions that he can win the nomination. Makes sense to me- but to Yeshiva boys- not so much.

    He is too stupid to realize his chances were over the day he said he was to the left of Hillary but right of Sanders.

  2. Then there is another good guy, Obolo, you guys know Obolo? He said “If you like your black hats you can keep your black hats”, he said a lot of other things too. He has a brother that lives in a hut in Kenya. You guys know Kenya? Obolo said he was born in Kenya when he wen to Harvard. Harvard is a good school. You know what their lesson was today? What they studied today? Trigger warnings. Your hats need trigger warnings if you intend to wear them at Harvard, they are considered micro-aggression, to Obolo from Harvard and his brother in a hut in Kenya because they are mooslim………

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