Respecting the Flag – IOTW Report

Respecting the Flag

19 Comments on Respecting the Flag

  1. Mega TU’s to that soldier and BFH for posting it today. Happy Independence Day to Good Americans everywhere. We’re only one generation away. Don’t let it be ours, or our childrens’

  2. Folded & Saluted Injured leg and all. Very Moving.

    Take that Blue lipped 3rd place Hammer thrower who partially ruined her teammates great accomplishment.

  3. While laying in bed the first thought that crossed my mind this morning was to hoist our flag. 30 seconds from vertical and it’s proudly displayed out front. Happy 4th!

  4. Though many are being brainwashed into hating America many more still love the land of the free and the home of the brave.
    God bless America and all who love it, God bless all who have sacrificed to keep her free!

  5. “While laying in bed the first thought that crossed my mind this morning was to hoist our flag. 30 seconds from vertical and it’s proudly displayed out front. Happy 4th!”

    The neighbors did request you pause to get dressed next time.

  6. Creepiest thing I’ve seen today. I just feel sorry for the people waiting for their packages. Hopefully Amazon sees this video and fires him.

  7. Happy 4th everyone. Thumbs up for everyone, except Larry the liberally lubed fudge hole…you are one nasty bitch, Larry.

    Very moving video and was a great way to kick off the morning. We have our flag out in front of the property. Love living here, as I know the flag will never be ripped down and I still see Trump signs everywhere, as well as hardly anyone wearing masks when I venture into town.

  8. Imagine the much better world we’d have if men such as this, with the wisdom of the years in their minds and the duty to God and Country ingrained in their souls were not afflicted by the wounds of service and the infirmities of age…

  9. Wonderful video. God bless The United States of America and every patriot who loves this country.
    God is still merciful on our behalf because He honors the faithful patriotic old soldiers who continue to respect the foundations of our liberties – the U.S. flag, the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and The Declaration of Independence.

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