Ric Grenell Admires His Handiwork As Scores of Illegals Are Repatriated on Venezuela’s Dime – IOTW Report

Ric Grenell Admires His Handiwork As Scores of Illegals Are Repatriated on Venezuela’s Dime

RedState: There have been quite a few satisfying images to emerge during the three short weeks of Donald Trump’s second term in office, but few are as sweet as seeing Ric Grenell, the president’s envoy for special missions, watch as lines and lines of illegals are repatriated back to their home country of Venezuela. 

As RedState readers know well, Grenell, who was Acting Director of National Intelligence during Trump’s first term, was handed Venezuela as a special project by the president, and, boy, did he ever deliver for his boss. Grenell flew to Venezuela in late January with the goal of getting President/Strongman/Dictator Nicolás Maduro to repatriate the Venezuelans who illegally made the U.S. their home, starting with the most criminal elements, including Tren de Aragua gangbangers.

Not only did Grenell convince Maduro to take back his citizens, on Maduro’s own dime, he also managed to free six Americans who had been held in the socialist South American hellhole.  more here

3 Comments on Ric Grenell Admires His Handiwork As Scores of Illegals Are Repatriated on Venezuela’s Dime

  1. I’m the most conservative guy you’ll ever meet. And I could care less what Grenell does in his bed room or who he does it with. Don’t care. When Trump appointed Grenell as special envoy my thought were, that’s almost an insult. Now I understand “Special Envoy” is like 007 trouble shooter. How cool is that? During the original meet back on 1-31 Grenell had a photographer with him. Maduro’s butt was puckered. The man was obviously shook. At the very least Grenell is an effective communicator. Now he’s turning his attention to California. I think I know why. Trump wants him to run for Gov.


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