Right on Cue – Trump Is Right Again – IOTW Report

Right on Cue – Trump Is Right Again

Chicago Pastor Wants Presidents’ Names Removed From Washington, Jackson Parks Over Ties To Slavery.

The pinhead suggests the park keep it’s name but be regarded as either JESSE Jackson park, or MICHAEL Jackson park.

Let’s see, a mumble-moufed fake reverend opportunist that shakes down big businesses to enrich himself, or a pedophiliac drug addict?

The pastor is right, either one suits his neighborhood better.

25 Comments on Right on Cue – Trump Is Right Again

  1. If the left gets the upper hand we are in big trouble. There is no reasoning with these people.
    Americans used to be caring and smart enough to tone it down when instigators fired people up. The communist left has seeped deep into our institutions and we are in trouble.
    I am hoping that there are more people than we know supporting the President. Also, maybe some will wake up and see what the left really is with it’s escalation of anger and destruction.

  2. Excellent video, Brad_Brad. As a former marxist (don’t worry – fully reformed), I know this stuff, but conservatives who have no clue should watch this vid and more like it. Lots of truth in knowing your enemy.

  3. The kick is: this guy thinks he’s a genius, to just change the ‘first’ names of the parks. That way, these parks will never be confused by the folks who live near them, because the parks are on Chicago’s ‘South Side’–get my drift?

    Not a lot of IQs above 65 down there!!!

  4. I would add that it doesn’t stop with Washington and Jefferson. These schmucks will find things about Adams Lincoln and Grant to hate. Besides, there all just a bunch of racist old white guy’s

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