We’ve watched the phenomena for years now. Leftists going along with and lending moral support for the worst forms of mob violence and destruction at perceived slights to a cause or favored grievance group. Now a couple of psychologists have dug deeper in to the personal benefits an individual receives from participating in all the “moral outrage.” It seems the more you load a person up with collective guilt the more the individual has to find an outlet for loudly declaring, “but it’s not me.”
10 Comments on Righteous Indignation Or Self Serving Moral Hypocrisy?
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Radical, Left Wing-Nut Insurgents. This is the Øbamboozler using malcontents to carrt out his orders to destroy America.
If it’s about the left-wing, it’s ALWAYS about hypocrisy.
I wonder where when the photo was taken
@Zonga, it was Oakland. You can name the reason that set off the rioting.
They had me at democrat moral outrage
A clinical way of describing scapegoating.
Shoot on sight, at will.
To paraphrase Freud: sometimes a riot is a riot.
Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. The rent-a-rioters are generally organized and paid by rich lefties (i.e. Soros) for the purpose of stirring up unrest and trying to change policy through violence or threats of it.
I see moving targets.